Help! I Am the Local Stewardship Director

What does the local church Stewardship director do?

News March 24, 2022

24 March 2022 | St Albans, UK [Maureen Rock]

As the nominating committee makes the final call to fill positions in the local church, there are often one or two roles left vacant. The local Stewardship director is often one of them. Eventually, the position falls to one who has served for many years, or to someone completely new. Either way, the question is often asked, “What does the local church Stewardship director do?” Ironically, is often the new director, the person nominated to lead the ministry, who asks that question!

In Genesis 1:28, we are introduced to the first stewardship directors – Adam and Eve. God gave our first parents a divine command to subdue all that He had created. The word ‘subdue’ (Heb. kawbash) is defined as “to conquer and bring into subjection; to bring (land) under cultivation.”¹ God’s principles require that those in ruling positions should be faithful stewards, exercising justice towards the people and the land, thus promoting peace and prosperity for all (See Psalm 72:12-14 and John 15:12).

As God’s representatives, we are called to be stewards of all He has created: humankind, animals, and the earth. We are to treat everything and everyone with the same kindness as He who created all. We acknowledge God’s ownership by faithful service to Him and fellow humankind. ² This is part of the role of Stewardship Ministries director. The Jan-Mar 2022 edition of Dynamic Steward not only provides a description of this ministry role, but also contains informative articles and news notes about the principles and values of Christian Stewardship. Why not subscribe to this quarterly magazine today?

¹ MerriamWebster Dictionary.
² Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press, 2016, p. 169).


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