Gifts at the Open Heart Street

<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #808080;">7 January 2015&nbsp;<span style="color: #808080;"><span style="color: #696969;">|</span></span> Belgrade, Serbia [Marija Trajkovska, <em>ted</em>NEWS]</span> In the New Year’s spirit, the Serbian publishing house 'Preporod' gives out over 25,000 copies of books and DVDs to their fellow citizens and collects nearly 100,000 dinars for the needs of the Safe House in Smedervo, Serbia, as part of the 'Open Heart Street' initiative.</p>

News January 8, 2015

7 January 2015 | Belgrade, Serbia [Marija Trajkovska, tedNEWS] In the New Year’s spirit, the Serbian publishing house ‘Preporod’ gives out over 25,000 copies of books and DVDs to their fellow citizens and collects nearly 100,000 dinars for the needs of the Safe House in Smedervo, Serbia, as part of the ‘Open Heart Street’ initiative.

New Year’s morning. Icy cold. 8.30 am. Minus 12 degrees Centigrade. An almost empty Svetogorska street in downtown of Belgrade, which, on the first day of every new year, changes its name to ‘Open Heart Street’.

Only the bravest and the most diligent people are setting their booths with New Year products wondering who will go out to the street on such a cold day.

The publishing house “Preporod“ (Revival) booth is already set up. Volunteers, members of the Belgrade Seventh-day Adventist church, are already at the spot from 6 am. The gifts of the books Bridges of Life and Love Dare, two issues of the magazine “Life and Health”, DVDs ” Prophecy Secrets”, “In the Beginning” and “Gospel selection” are waiting to be shared.  New volunteers come to work at the booth, and then the first passers-by arrive.

“Good morning! And Happy New Year!” They are greeted warmly by the people at the booth. “This is a New Year’s gift of the publishing house ‘Preporod’ for you.”

People who approach the booth – the young, married couples, parents with children and the elderly – are all surprised that someone offers something for free, but accept the gifts and ask what they can give in return.
“We’re collecting donations for the women and children’s shelter, Safe House, in Smederevo. If you would like to, you can put something in that box over there”, the volunteers tell them.

Two volunteers carry around special advertisements for the book Love Dare, that speaks about the divine principles on which love in marriage, home, family and interpersonal relationships should be based. Only in that way a home can become a place of warm and safe shelter instead being a polygon of anger and violence. More and more interested people approach the booth.
Freezing minutes slip into icy hours, but ‘Open Heart Street’ is getting more and more crowded.  A lot of them are now in front of ‘Preporod’ booth. They form a queue to get a New Year’s gift. They even ask for an additional copy for a family member, relative, friend; and for another set of DVDs to watch during the holiday season. Volunteers barely manage to unpack the books and reload the booth.

Just a few individual gave back the offered gifts because they are not interested in religious topics, which is all right since the right of free choice applies even on the first day of the year.

A lady approaches the booth and joyfully asks: “Please tell me, are you Adventists?”
“Yes we are, but why do you ask?”
“Well, because only Adventists give something for free; all the others sell things. Last year I received the book Think Big by Ben Carson and I was delighted. I will be happy to receive this year’s gift as well. And let me tell you something: since Adventists were employed in our local supermarket the numbers of the thefts have drastically decreased. Adventists are honest people.”

People come to the booth, asking questions, singing praise or criticizing… but almost everyone goes away with a gift in hand. Thirty-six volunteers, including four children, take turns and work tirelessly. Someone from the team, who was thinking ahead, provided hot tea to offer to the diligent workers and slightly warm them up.

Books, magazines and DVDs are slowly going to a warmer place – to a hand, a pocket, jacket, or handbag… The donations box is getting fuller and fuller … Icy cold day slowly turns into an icy night…

Although gloved, the worker’s hands are getting frozen. They almost cannot feel their toes anymore, but their hearts are warmed by the fact that 25,350 items were delivered during the day: 9,300 DVDs, 7,340 copies of the book Bridges of Life 3,500 copies of the book Love Dare, 120 copies of the book Bethlehem’s Star, 70 copies of the book Tomorrow Starts Today and 20 copies of Women in the Bible. And donation of 98,000 dinars is collected for the needs of the Safe House in Smederevo, which is immediately handed over to the official representatives of the Social Welfare Centre in Smederevo.

Open Heart Street was indeed opened today – filled with courage, sacrifice, perseverance and generosity. The participants of this unusual action were able to open their hands to give gifts of love to their fellow citizens this New Year’s Day since some other people had previously opened their hearts and donated funds for all these gifts to be prepared. We believe that all of them will be blessed with the blessings of Heaven throughout all the days of the year for bringing joy to thousands of people in Belgrade. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
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