'Gifted hands' start a new chapter during the Power of One book crossing!

4 August 2013 Novi Sad, Serbia [Tabitha Krznar, tedNEWS] Hearts were warmed and the pages of 6,000 Christian books were turned as the eager Power of One participants distributed them across Novi Sad during today’s Book Crossing outreach activity.

Brown paper bags sporting the now famous Power of One logo (a red Cross centred in a circle of blue writing) contained inspiring 6 books; Gifted hands by Ben Carson, Living God’s Love by Douglas Cooper, Tomorrow Begin’s Today by Alf Lohne, A thousand shall fall by Suzi Hazel Munday, Can a man live without God by Ravi Zacharias, and Young rebel in Bristol by Faith Coxe Bailey.


Rebeca Oana from Australia was deeply impacted by this activity, she says: ‘Book crossing teaches us that we don’t need words or physical proximity to connect with others around the world. Sometimes the deepest connections are formed in silence. We can leave God’s footprints wherever we go in many different ways.’

Novi Sad received a literary facelift locations all over the city from; SPENS centre, Dunavski park, benches, cafes, ATM cash machines, statues and most importantly, local people carrying their new introduction to the Gospel Book Crossing gift.

When people could not be found to give books to, Ivaylo Hristiv from Bulgaria tried another approach. ‘We were about to leave a book in front of a shop that was closed. A woman passed by, saw us and asked what the book was all about, we told her that it was a Christian book and asked her to take one, she did and she also chose another one about living for God. She was so happy, she promised to register the books on her online book register blog. I’m definitively going to try Book Crossing back home!’

The power of God, the power of His young people has blessed, inspired and convicted the participants of the Power of One congress. Translator and Pastor Božidar Lazi? from Serbia agrees, ‘I am amazed by God’s guidance and the talents He has given to the young people of AYC. During this congress He has clearly shown us that young people already possess all the quantities for evangelism – go forth, young people, and finish God’s great work!’ [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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