Get Ready for the Present – Invest in the Future

13 June 2011 St Albans, United Kingdon [John Sanches, tedNEWS] A new Master of Public Health in Lifestyle Medicine (MPH in Lifestyle Medicine) will be offered in 2012 by Loma Linda University as an “Off-Campus” programme at the Adventist University of France Adventist University (AUF) in Collonges-sous-Salève, France. This unique offer will target predominantly European and Middle Eastern countries with a state-of-the-art academic degree in a field of increasing importance in medicine and health care.


For over one hundred years the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been promoting health principles that are at the cutting edge of medical science in the area of preventive and lifestyle medicine. Loma Linda University, a flagship institution of the Church, is a leading world institution in this field. The Adventist Health Studies conducted by the university´s researchers have shown that the “Adventist lifestyle” contributes to greater longevity, less disease and better quality of life in people who follow the age old counsels presented in the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White.
Presently, Loma Linda University´s new MPH in Lifestyle Medicine is the only programme of its kind in the world. Up to now, students have had to spend at least one and a half years at the University in order to get this degree but the new programme in Europe will allow new students to do this over a 4 year period on a part-time basis. Each student will need to spend 2 weeks every summer for intensive training at Collonges.  The remaining modules will be taught on-line and can be taken from home. Another advantage of the new programme is that there is no need for students to stop their normal occupation while studying, with no consequent loss of income. Classes begin in June 2012.

Lifestyle related diseases have become a major burden for health systems and increasing importance is now being given to the prevention and treatment of many of these diseases through the adoption of a healthier lifestyle. Health professionals will be called upon to start introducing lifestyle counselling in their own clinical practice. The Seventh-day Adventist church now has a unique opportunity to share the love of Jesus by positively impacting their communities and enhance a better quality of life. Now is the time to get ready for this! The new MPH in Lifestyle Medicine in France is a partnership between LLU´s School of Public Health, AUF, and the Health Ministries Departments of the Trans-European and Euro-Africa Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Candidates to this program need to have completed a clinical professional degree including but not limited to medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, clinical psychology, nutrition, physical therapy or exercise physiologist. Graduates will be academically prepared to apply preventive methodologies to chronic diseases, conduct individual health assessments and provide medical lifestyle counselling, apply lifestyle-related research findings and lead and evaluate health promotion projects.

Get ready for the present – Invest in the future! Apply now for the MPH in Lifestyle Medicine in Europe at [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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