GC President Spends Time with Returning Youth Evangelists

<p style="text-align: justify;">11 July 2015 | San Antonio, Texas, USA [Stephen Wilson / Victor Hulbert / <em>ted</em>NEWS] As the General Conference in San Antonio comes to an end it is clear that the mission of the church is not only planned, reported and strategized on the floor of the Alamodrome, but in countless other meetings throughout the building where God's work is discussed and prayed about. One such meeting happened on Friday morning, 10 July in the room now vacated by the nominating committee.</p>

News July 12, 2015

11 July 2015 | San Antonio, Texas, USA [Stephen Wilson / Victor Hulbert / tedNEWS] As the General Conference in San Antonio comes to an end it is clear that the mission of the church is not only planned, reported and strategized on the floor of the Alamodrome, but in countless other meetings throughout the building where God’s work is discussed and prayed about. One such meeting happened on Friday morning, 10 July in the room now vacated by the nominating committee.

Over 200 youth evangelists returning, after a series of evangelistic campaigns in Southern Mexico with ‘Share Him’, had an intimate meeting with the Adventist World Church President, Elder Ted Wilson. Among the group were 40 representatives from the British Isles.

Photo: courtesy of North England Conference
Elder Wilson warmly thanked the group who came from Europe, Australia and Inter-America. He noted that these are not easy places to work in and how happy he was to see that evangelism is still in the heart of young people. One of the three key objectives for Elder Wilson in the next quinquennium is to encourage every member to be a missionary.

The entire group were presented to Elder Wilson who promised that he would stay as long as possible with the group and that “the business of the church will take care of itself”. He stayed until everyone who wanted to greet him or take a photo with him had the opportunity. For him, this was to make explicitly clear that he valued the work of young evangelists and to express his pride in each one of the young people.

Jeremiah Weeks, ‘Share Him’ director, was inspired by the European Youth who came from both the North and South England Conferences, Ireland, Finland and the Netherlands. They volunteered together with approximately 100 other participants from the Inter-European Division, 20 from the South Pacific, 20 from Inter-America and 30 from North America.

Towards the end of the Mexico evangelism project he reported to us that, “we are so happy to have them all involved and pray this will be an encouraging, motivating experience to help them share Jesus in whatever ways the Lord leads in their number one mission fields – right where they live.”

See also: Youth Take Evangelism to Mexico. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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