Following Directions

14 January 2013 St. Albans, United Kingdom [Audrey Andersson, tedNEWS] Solomon’s wisdom finds fulfilment in many different ways, times, and places. Airports are one of those places. Here wisdom is essential, not least, making connection flights.

On paper it looked easy; reality is often a different story. As one flight landed the time to get the connection flight was ten minutes, if you have a clear path. Otherwise you need to have the speed of a 100meters sprinter. Clearing security, I saw two of my colleagues about 200 meters ahead of me: one walking on a moving band, the other running alongside. Pounding along I wondered: “Why run beside the band when on it you can get there twice as quick?” Striding onto the band I realized it wasn’t moving. Mentally I revised the action of my colleague who opted not to use the moving band. Maybe it would have been quicker to run alongside it.  Three steps and I felt the band shudder and start into motion.  Another few strides and I would make the queue to board the plane. Progress was much slower than anticipated. About a meter from the end of the band I realised the problem – the band was moving in the opposite direction to the one I needed to go. Solomon’s counsel is relevant. “There is a way which seems right unto a man or woman, but . . .”


Two thousand years ago Jesus gave guidance which today is more relevant than ever. He told us
“Enter through the narrow gate that leads to life but only a few find it.”

This instruction is essential wisdom in a world in which many are travelling towards the wide gate that leads to disaster and ruin.

The New Year 2013 invites us to take time to pause and reflect.  In what direction are we travelling? It is true of travelling as of life. If we will not follow the instructions on the travel documents, we will be punished for our ignorance. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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