First Impressions from AYC 2013

31 July 2013 Novi Sad, Serbia [Agnieszka Kluska, tedNEWS] Some have been travelling 14 hours by bus, some have been travelling 8 hours by car, but for some it has been only a 2-hour flight. Young Adventists from all around Europe have been flooding to Novi Sad, the third largest city in Serbia, to take part in Pan-European Youth Congress, under the theme ‘The Power of One‘.

The Congress has been organised by the Trans-European and Inter-European Divisions, but there are guests coming from all around the world. There are 19 people from Euro-Asia Division, 15 people from Australia, 8 from Canada, 2 from Chile and 2 have just arrived from Papua New Guinea“ says Judy McKie, Congress Assistant. ‘We’re expecting around 3,000 people with the climax of 4,000 people on Saturday‘.


Everyone comes to the Congress with different expectations, however, there are some goals shared by all; meeting new friends and hearing good preaching is the key focus of youth coming to Novi Sad. ‘We’d like to meet new people and have a chance to meet Jesus“ say Anja, Stephanie and Valeria from Germany. ‘I’m expecting things I have not done or seen before. Maybe some new ideas for outreach and church work,‘ adds Paulina from Poland. ‘We want to have fun!’ laughs Daniel from Italy.

The preachers are keen to work with the youth and share their message. ‘I would like to see young people inspired and coming back again to the core of adventism. I’d like to see them interested in God, the story of God and the Bible. On Friday all young people will be taken onto the streets of Novi Sad. I’m expecting to see a lot of these young people ministering,‘ says pastor Janos Kovacs-Biro.

Some newcomers are surprised by the heats, but the majority are enjoying the sun and are takeing a chance to do some sightseeing before the programme officially starts. Novi Sad, a city situated on the banks of the Danube, is a major cultural centre in Sebia and it has a lot to offer. ‘We went for a walk around the city and it’s lovely. There are lots of nice cafes,‘ Ola and Sara from Poland are very enthiusiastic about their experience. ‘We feel at home here, ‘ say young people from Croatia.

All the time new people arrive to the Congress site. The hall is crowded and full of laughter and excitement. If you’re not able to join us in person, click here for the live coverage from Novi Sad. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
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