Finnish Health Ministry Association ETRA turns 60

<p>20 October 2016 | Kaarina, Finland [Ruut Palviainen]</p> <p>Time for a free bus pass? Maybe time to readjust the aches and pains that come with age! Or, how about bounce forwards with a spring in your step? For a Health Ministries association it must surely be the latter!</p> <p>For sixty years now, ETRA, the Finnish Health Ministries Association, has been serving the church and the community.</p>

News October 20, 2016

20 October 2016 | Kaarina, Finland [Ruut Palviainen]

Time for a free bus pass? Maybe time to readjust the aches and pains that come with age! Or, how about bounce forwards with a spring in your step? For a Health Ministries association it must surely be the latter!

For sixty years now, ETRA, the Finnish Health Ministries Association, has been serving the church and the community.

Association director Ritva Kuusisto having her speech about ETRA´s history.
Originally started as a temperance association with a strong emphasis against smoking and other substance abuse, today ETRA runs camps, courses, and lectures, providing printed material resources that have helped many Finnish people gain tools that will help them improve their lives. The association has also expanded into areas such as family health, parenting and babycare, student health, cooking classes and general life management skills.

That must be worth a celebration – which is exactly what happened the weekend of 9 – 11 September 2016 at Toivonlinna Junior High School, Kaarina, Finland. Over two hundred participants from all over Finland attended the event, thankfully reflecting on the past and gaining inspiration for the future.

With the theme ‘Lest we forget’, ETRA director Ritva Kuusisto vividly described the phases of ETRA during its 60 year history including the many commited people who have answered God’s calling over time – health professionals and dedicated lay people.

ETRA chairman of the board Marko Helle and development manager Ruut Palviainen were hosting the event. Torben Bergland (middle) from TED was invited as guest speaker.
Torben Bergland, Trans-European Division Health Ministries director was invited as a guest speaker and shared his vision through a glimpse of Adventist health ministries history, a discussion on how healthy our health message has been and is now, and the importance of our own holistic wellbeing. In his workshops he discussed the themes of spiritual health, addictions and attachment.

“You should congratulate yourselves on the things you have accomplished in society,” Bergland said. “When we get involved in doing good we bless others and get blessings ourselves.” He is optimistic for the future. “I see that you have good thinking. There is maturity, depth and reflection in the way you think. You should continue this. It’s very important to get more people involved, whether professionals or not.”

The weekend included multiple workshops with small teams covering different themes: Male health, a Kids Health EXPO, the principles of peer support, work with grieving people, seniors, nutrition etc. Teams were assigned to produce hands-on ideas from a) What the Bible and the spirit of prophecy says about their theme, b) What is the question our ‘client’ is asking about the topic? c) What is our concrete solution for them? d) sharing our innovations together and implementing them for the future.

After turning sixty, ETRA is far from retiring – the organisation is moving forward with a new vision and with a new message. While honouring its history, it is changing the emphasis from us (and the message that needs to be spread) to people and listening to their wants, needs and life struggles. With active listening, empathy and a peer role we build up relationships. Such relationships support and encourage, facilitate learning by coaching and understanding identity, and from that, life choises rise and our motivation builds up.

With such a comprehensive outlook on healthy lifestyle, we are able to make a difference in our communities and accomplish the goals we are aiming for. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, director; Esti Pujic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
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