European Health Conference on Healing

15 May 2013 Prague, Czech Republic [Miroslav Pujic, tedNEWS] Six hundred Adventist medical experts, health advocates and church leaders met for the European Health Conference in Prague, Czech Republic last month. This conference focused on the theme of Healing, not just physical healing but also mental, emotional, social, and spiritual healing.

The organisers, Inter-European, Trans-European and Euro-Asia Divisions, brought together a rich ensemble of Adventist experts in the medical and health-related fields – people who know what they are talking about. People drawn from health institutions, universities and research facilities across Europe and the Americas.


In his keynote address, Dr. Viriato Ferreira, Health Ministries Director for the church’s Inter-European Division, explored the emotional and spiritual suffering that often accompany physical illness. “We need healing from life—not just physically, but also spiritually and emotionally,” Ferreira told delegates from some 40 countries across Europe. He urged them to accept complicated realities and recognise that “suffering may be part of healing.”

“This conference confirms Trans-European Division commitment to strengthen a blended health ministry approach, based on how Christ ministered while on earth.” says Steven Cooper, TED Health Ministries Director. “Christ’s ministry was to bring healing to all, whether it was physical, mental, emotional, social or spiritual.  By God’s Grace, TED will work with our unions in encouraging this transformation.” concluded Cooper.

Many of the TED conference participants reiterated the need for training.  From this conference, plans are being developed for appropriate programmes which encompass many of the healing issues discussed during the conference.  Through a balanced, non-judgmental, evidence-based approach, it is envisaged church members and community alike will be drawn into living life to the fullest and experiencing the joy which comes from God.

Dr Bertil Wiklander, TED President, who was one of the devotional speakers at the conference, says: “My hope is that through this conference there will be a renewed focus on a balanced, evidence-based approach to our health ministry and healing.”

“As I listened to the presentations – especially the plenary sessions and workshops – I had a growing conviction that the ‘health message’ and ‘health ministry’ of the Adventist Church is one of our greatest assets. Not just for us personally, but as a means for us to make a positive impact for Christ in this day and age. We have what our neighbours need!” says Julian Hibbert, the Editor of Messenger and Focus magazines in the United Kingdom.

It was wonderful to see so many with a deep desire to renew the work in our health message with Christ being at the center of this ministry.

The Adventist Church has been emphasizing healthy living for about 150 years. The health ministry of the church includes a global network of hospitals, clinics and medical universities.

The Health Ministries Department at the General Conference will organise Global Health Conference which will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 7-12 July 2014. You do not want to miss it!

To see more photos from the Conference, please click here.  [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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