EPC Comment Board

22 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Julian Hibbert, tedNEWS] The EPC Comment Board is up and ready for conference participants to have their say. Here are the first ones:

Pastor Joachim Telfer of Norway: “I was blessed and challenged by Bertil Wiklander’s keynote address. It set the tone for the whole theme ‘Making God Known in Europe’.”

Pastor Zoltan from Serbia: “Wednesday’s worship and plenary sessions were both inspiring and challenging. The common theme was pastoral spirituality and the role of the pastor in the church. Each of the presenters (Laurence Turner, Sigve Tonstad and Derek Morris) drew thought-provoking conclusions from their chosen Bible texts. The main thought was that the perplexing context of evangelism in Europe demands new methods of ministry. However, the new methods are not supposed to replace the pillars of the pastor’s spiritual health: prayer, personal bible study and effective delegation. There cannot be effective ministry anywhere without unless these needs are met. First things first!”

Pastor Tom Angelsen, Conference president of North Norway: “I was empowered by Sigve Tonstad’s words: ‘Ministry is local, personal and individual. The missiological strategy of John is to win people’s confidence.’”

Pastor Laszlo Gallusz, Serbia: “Pastors need their spiritual batteries recharged and their ministerial toolboxes updated. The conference’s first morning programme met this need. Laurence Turner’s sermon not only opened a new perspective on a well-known biblical text, but let it show a direction for the future of Adventism. Tonstad’s exegesis reminded us that even well known texts can speak with freshness. The inspiration talk by Dr. Morris contained very specific pastoral advice aimed at helping us identify the foundations of successful ministry . . . I am already very encouraged and refreshed after spending less then 24 hours in Rogaska Slatina.”

Allan Falk from Denmark: “A thought that stood out for me during the workshop was that ‘if we are not that into the people around us, we’re most likely not that much into God either.’” [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor; Dragana Selakovic-Duval, Frederic Duval & Tor Tjeransen, photographers
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