Empowerment to Mission Top Priority for Re-elected President

<p style="text-align: justify;">3 July 2015 <span style="color: #666666; font-family: Times; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; text-align: justify;">|&nbsp;</span>San Antonio, Texas, USA [Victor Hulbert, <em>ted</em>NEWS] Re-elected by a wide margin, Elder Ted Wilson is ready to set the agenda for his second term as World President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.</p>

News July 3, 2015

3 July 2015 San Antonio, Texas, USA [Victor Hulbert, tedNEWS] Re-elected by a wide margin, Elder Ted Wilson is ready to set the agenda for his second term as World President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Re-elected President Wilson at the press conference.
Speaking to delegates immediately after his re-election and then more fully at a subsequent press conference, Wilson emphasised three things. “I hope that all of us will fully and completely submit to live with Christ and his righteousness in all things”, he stated, seeing that as the core of the three angels messages. He then pointed people towards a renewed faithfulness to God’s word and, from that, all aspects of our lives. Finally, he emphasised total member involvement and empowerment in witnessing and mission.

It was that third point that came through again and again in answers he subsequently gave to journalists in the press conference. Responding to a question on ‘how to close the back door of the church’ he recognised that many left because they are hurt in some way. “We need to empower church members”, he stated. “Therefore love and service is very important.” Wilson recognised that the church, and the church family is not perfect, but indicated that if members are focused on Christ and on Bible study itself, that this could lead to a total empowerment of the laity that would solve the problem.

Asked about his top priority, he again listed his three key points but again came back to the word ’empowerment’, this time in the context of mission.

Will there be any deviation from his strategy of the last five years? Elder Wilson smiled and pointed out that Mission to the Cities, Revival and Reformation and his other initiatives come from Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy. “These things are foundational and must be maintained”, he said. Then looking each journalist in the eye he added, “We are all in this together. It is a huge church and it stays together because the Holy Spirit keeps us together.”

The election was not without controversy. Twice there was a call for his name to be referred back to the Nominating Committee. Twice the concerns were addressed and the chairman, Pardon Mwansa, was prepared for the vote to go ahead. Then a call for a secret ballot was defeated. Finally the vote was called that will see him serve a second term.

Ted and Nancy Wilson
Entering the platform along with his wife, Nancy, and following appropriate applause, he stated, “It is with very quiet respect and humility that both of us stand before you, before God.” He concluded, “We cannot do anything of ourselves. There is not one passing day where I do not claim the promise of James 1:5 to ask for wisdom.”

“Prayer”, he said, “will keep us together.”

Delegates from across the Trans-European Division (TED) took some courage from Elder Wilson’s emphasis on encouraging great member participation. “It was clear that the majority was in favour of the nomination”, South England President, Sam Davis stated. He along, with many others, is willing to work with this kind of initiative. Another TED delegate who works in a difficult and challenging environment stated, “I have no problem with Ted Wilson, but I want to see a church with more understanding.” He is not sure that is something that currently floats down from the presidential office. Maybe it will come. In a Europe desperate for the Gospel, the emphasis on prayer, the Gospel and empowerment, may well be just the mantra needed.

For more photos, please visit the TED Facebook page. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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