Passing on the baton at East Norway Camp Meeting

<p>14 June 2017 | R&oslash;yse, Norway [Widar Ursett and Tor Tjeransen]&nbsp;&ldquo;Be assured that God, one day, will make an end to all evil&rdquo;, said Pastor David Neal, Director of Trans-European Division Stewardship Ministries, to a congregation of about 800 people attending the East Norway Conference Camp Meeting at the Norwegian Junior College on Saturday, June 10.</p>

News June 14, 2017

14 June 2017 | Røyse, Norway [Widar Ursett and Tor Tjeransen] “Be assured that God, one day, will make an end to all evil”, said Pastor David Neal, Director of Trans-European Division Stewardship Ministries, to a congregation of about 800 people attending the East Norway Conference Camp Meeting at the Norwegian Junior College on Saturday, June 10.

david neal in norway
“Be assured that God, one day, will make an end to all evil”, said Pastor David Neal to those attending the East Norway Conference Camp Meeting on Sabbath, June 10. [Photo: Tor Tjeransen/ADAMS]
Pastor Neal was the main speaker for the traditional camp meeting that attracts Adventists from a large area. During his Sabbath morning sermon Pastor Neal focused on the meaning of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. He stressed the fact that the whole world must receive the invitation to worship the creator God. Touching on the call to come out of Babylon, he told the congregation that every act out of harmony with the will of God represents the attitude of Babylon.

Even though these end-time messages of Revelation 14 contain harsh expressions, they are not given to frighten people, but to encourage them to serve their maker. The creator of heaven and earth will one day put an end to all evil. “The promise of the second coming is especially relevant in an age of terrorism”, said Pastor Neal.

Over the years, the organisers have established the camp meeting as an event that neither young nor old want to miss.

The staff of the youth department of the Norwegian Union, serving all three conferences, filled the day with interesting and inspiring meetings and activities for all age groups. Under the label of “Super Sabbath for Kids” they presented the advent message in an engaging fashion.

east norway camp meeting baptism
Victoria Flankegård, one of the ten young people who were baptised during the Camp Meeting at Tyrifjord.
At the conclusion of the Divine Service, ten young people were baptised by the school Chaplain, Pastor Claes Lundström. All of those baptised were students at the Norwegian Junior College (Tyrifjord videregående skole). This underlines the great importance of Tyrifjord in the work of transmitting faith to new generations of Adventists.

The music at the East Norway Conference Camp Meeting is always top quality. This year was no exception.

handing over the baton
Pastor Reidar J. Kvinge gave Pastor Victor Marley a relay baton inscribed with the words “Pass it On” to symbolize the change of leadership at the Norwegian Union.
The Camp Meeting participants expressed their gratitude with beautiful flowers given to the outgoing president of the Norwegian Union, Pastor Reidar J. Kvinge and his wife. He has served as union president since 2010 and will remain at the helm of the union until July 31.

Pastor Kvinge used the occasion to hand a relay baton, inscribed with the words “Pass it On”, to the incoming president, Pastor Victor Marley, who will take office on August 1. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Esti Pujic, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected] 
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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