"Digital Evangelism Works!"

26 March 2013 Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia [Andrew Willis, tedNEWS] Twenty-five web pastors and community developers from around the Trans-European Division (TED) met for three days of training, exchange of experience and further development of the Internet ministry known as LIFEconnect (LC) in Slovenia. They were excited to hear of the impact that LC and LC STREAM programmes are already having on lives in Europe. Pastor Julian Kastrati from Albania shared the experience of the first LC stream event in Albania, telling his colleagues, “Digital Evangelism works!” We had more than 1,200 viewers online and 100 people in the hall. For Albania, where the church is very small, this is a miracle. (To read a full report from Albania, please click here.)


The LC Web Pastors and LC Community Developers participated at the LC STREAM programme in Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia. They were able to experience first hand preparation and delivery of a live stream event alongside receiving cutting edge training in Social Media skills and sharing reports from their countries.

The LIFEconnect concept is one of the online communities where people can explore life. Its aim is to create a place where people connect, share, dialogue, meet and are invited to become disciples of Jesus Christ.

The event began with the news that God has truly blessed LC. The 25 LC Web Pastors and LC Community Developers heard how the LC community has grown.  Today we have over 367 Digital Missionaries, 18, 549 members of the network and over 1.5 million visits last year. There are number of people who already made a covenant with Jesus to follow him. The new LC website was shared [lifeconnect.info hyperlink] and further LC Stream events are planned for Poland, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro in the month of April.

Outlining some of the recent technological trends and innovations, Miroslav Pujic, TED Media Ministries Director, laid the foundations, showing how LIFEconnect and digital evangelism can work in our Division before opening up the technical training in areas of Social Media. The seminar covered marketing strategies, network development, search engine optimization and technical issues. Talking about the power of social media today Pujic said: “If we are not there someone else will be.”

Alongside the training delegates were able to exchange ideas and resources and came together to support each other in friendship, worship and prayer. Perhaps the most important lesson came from the Macedonian LC community developers. When asked how they had managed to generate their exceptional online statistics they replied, “first ask God to lead, then trust Him to do it.”

Please visit www.lifeconnect.info and join us in sharing the story of Jesus in a holistic way. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted-adventist.org

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.
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