Cyprus Teen & Young Adult campout inaugurates new site

<p>13 June 2018 | Larnaca, Cyprus [<em>ted</em>NEWS]</p> <p>Teens and young adults from two church communities in Nicosia, Cyprus enjoyed a weekend campout, 1-3 June 2018, which inaugurated a potential new campsite close to the sea in the southern port of Larnaca.</p>

News June 13, 2018

13 June 2018 | Larnaca, Cyprus [tedNEWS]

Teens and young adults from two church communities in Nicosia, Cyprus enjoyed a weekend campout, 1-3 June 2018, which inaugurated a potential new campsite close to the sea in the southern port of Larnaca.

2018June Cyprus3The youth enjoyed interactive presentations led by TED Teen Ministries director, Alastair Agbaje. The weekend was a positive mission not just to the Adventist youth, but to the large number of non-Christian friends that joined them from the local universities.

2018June Cyprus2The Church in Cyprus purchased the plot of land many years ago but had never used it. With a small inauguration ceremony, a sleep over, a bonfire and singing, that has all changed.

Agbaje reflected on how much everyone enjoyed the fellowship and sharing of stories and how much potential the field has to become a campsite.

“I admired the group who managed to stay one night without the essential resources, such as electricity and running water,” he stated. “This land has a great opportunity to become a mission field community service project for the future.” [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Sajitha Forde-Ralph, associate editor
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tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. Readers are free to republish or share this article with appropriate credit including an active hyperlink to the original article.

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