Cross the Jordan, don’t Retreat!

<p style="text-align: justify;">11 July 2015 | San Antonio, Texas, USA [Katie Allen, <em>ted</em>NEWS] "When it comes to productivity, the Wilson family wins hands down", said the humorous G. T. Ng, General Conference (GC) Executive Secretary, introducing Ted Wilson as the main speaker at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas, on Saturday morning, 11 July.</p>

News July 12, 2015

11 July 2015 | San Antonio, Texas, USA [Katie Allen, tedNEWS] “When it comes to productivity, the Wilson family wins hands down”, said the humorous G. T. Ng, General Conference (GC) Executive Secretary, introducing Ted Wilson as the main speaker at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas, on Saturday morning, 11 July.

Dr Ng described how “presidential blood runs deep” in Pastor Wilson’s family, with his grandfather, Nathaniel Wilson, serving as president of four Divisions during his lifetime and his father, Neal Wilson, who served as North American Division president for fourteen years and GC president for twelve.

Ted Wilson’s sermon, to a packed auditorium of over 70,000 people, focused on how God has plans to take us home and, as Revelation states several times, is ‘coming quickly’.

“Many times when we expect certain things, God has other plans”, said Pastor Wilson. “Just as He had plans for Moses, God has plans for you and for me. Figuratively, he wants to lead us across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land…Cross the Jordan, don’t retreat!”

He looked at the end of Moses’ life when God took him up to Mount Nebo and showed him all the land that would belong to his people. God told Moses that he would not cross the Jordan but revealed to him the history of the Christian church and how people would, by faith, become part of Abraham’s seed.

He shared how God chose Joshua, Moses’ understudy, to take Israel into Canaan after their forty years of wandering. He quoted from the book of Joshua, encouraging us as Adventists to follow God’s direction in the same way.

“Be strong and of good courage…only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.”

Throughout the morning was a diverse display of the musical talent in the World Church. Performers included the AFASS Angklung Ensemble, who surprised the audience with their musical instruments made from bamboo; duo Rachel Hyman and Neville Peters; and Jennifer LaMountain, who sang ‘My Lord’s Prayer’.

The Sabbath School programme concentrated on the question, why is mission so important? Several missionaries appeared on stage to give their experiences of serving across the world. Missionary Dr Moskala recounted the story of a paralysed man, in Bangladesh, who God raised up, after prayer. The Venn family, missionaries in Thailand, spoke of the joy in seeing God’s work advance, even in the slums of Bangkok.

Kathy Beagles and Felix Cortez, professors in the Religious Education department at Andrews University, led the Bible Study portion of the morning. Following the Church’s Bible Study guide for the week, the focus on mission continued with the topic, ‘Abraham: The First Missionary’.

They posed several questions such as ‘why didn’t God give Abraham a message?’ and ‘why did God ask Abraham to “go”?’ Their presentation highlighted how we are being called right now to share our walk with God, to make authentic friendships outside of our comfort zone and to let the Holy Spirit begin a long-term makeover in our lives. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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