Croatian National Television Broadcasts Seventh-day Adventists Worship

17 September 2011 Zagreb, Croatia [Mladen Juri?evi?, tedNEWS] On Saturday, 17 September 2011, Croatian national television was broadcasting church service of the Seventh-day Adventists that was taking place in Marusevec church, Croatia. In this local Adventist community church, members from Marusevac and surrounding areas gathered together along with the Adventist high school and medicine school students including the students of theology.

For the first time, Croatian citizens were able to watch live Adventists worshipping together through songs, an instructive children story and pastor Frederik Miler’s dramatic testimony. In focus was the sermon by Dr Zeljko Porobija, the Dean of the Theological Faculty, based on the Bible verses from the Gospel of John 14, verses 1-3. This text Adventists consider as an important message of hope for humanity who lives in narrowness caused by personal and global crises. The hope is based on Jesus Christ, the Saviour of this world, who is present in people’s lives and who prepares a new world for humanity. ‘Jesus is coming back again and He will take all who are waiting for His return’ says Dr Porobija. ‘The reality of God’s new world or “paradise” is described in so many biblical metaphors and its essence is in the communion of people and the communion with Christ,’ emphasises Porobija. The sermon was attended by few hundred members who enjoyed in spiritual refreshment and in  worshiping together.

“We are thankful to Croatian national television for enabling us to watch the service.” said pastor Branko Bistrovic, president of Adventist churches in Croatia, Slovenia and Albania. He continues: “We believe this is just the first step and we are looking forward to the same event next year. Adventist are people of the Bible, their beliefs and hope in God’s future can be the cure for the society’s depression.”

To watch the service, please click here. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
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