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“Dear Coronavirus” Videos Circle the World
Adventist communication experts from different worldwide church divisions work together to share messages of hope through a series of 12 #DearCoronavirus videos shown globally on social media/viewing platforms.
In the United Kingdom, Lockdown Increases Pathfinders’ E-Honours Offerings
Since the beginning of the lockdown in 2020, Pathfinder Clubs have increased eHonours training options, including such skills as Podcasting, Media Broadcast Ministry, and Mobile Technology.
Happy reunion for Vejlefjord children
A joyous and long-awaited reunion for parents and children of Vajlefjord church during an informal Sabbath picnic.
Lockdown, fanaticism, and holistic balance
What is so unhealthy about fanaticism?
TED reschedule major events following Covid-19
Youth Congress and the European Pastors’ Council will both move one year later to help with financial and logistic planning.
ADRA states ‘We are WITH YOU!’ providing pandemic support
There are more than 70 million internally displaced people worldwide, seeking asylum, or living as refugees in other countries. In the face of this unprecedented humanitarian crisis, ADRA is again marking World Refugee Sabbath, 20 June, with a call to action.
ADRA helping students achieve during school closures
ADRA is helping deprived families who otherwise fall behind with their schoolwork.
#dearcoronavirus 12: This is our final message!
In the final #dearcoronavirus video, the emptiness this virus brings is challenged against the resilience of the human spirit.
Delfred and Hannah Onde, missionaries in Norway, are finding and starting new methods of ministry during the lockdown.
Uncertainty – the movie, premiers 5 June
5 June 2020 | St Albans / Bern [EUD/tedNEWS] GAiN Europe is delighted to announce the premiere of the film Uncertainty, a film about fears, life decisions, and faith.
Racism versus justice, mercy and humility.
The video #dearcoronavirus 11 addresses a current and burning issue. When the GAiN* Europe leadership team chose the subject of racism and discrimination for the 11th #dearcoronavirus video clip, they had no idea of the horrific headline that would appear near the top of this week’s news agenda.
Words of Hope 11 shares joy, thankfulness and opportunity
If you want real thanks, then look to the children. Trans-European Division office staff have discovered that ‘office zoom worship’ has sometimes turned into ‘family worship’ as young children snuggle up to parents during worship time. Those staff children have now created a montage of thankfulness – and in Words of Hope 11, Executive Secretary Audrey Andersson explains why.
Latest #dearcoronavirus clip focused on anxiety
#dearcoronavirus 10 tackles the issue of anxiety head-on with a message of hope, highlighting needs, sometimes in a humorous way, but offering suggestions as well.
Graduation film project highlights reality of ‘Uncertainty’
A short documentary from North America has brought real meaning to the word ‘uncertainty’. Telling the hopes and fears of high school, college, and university graduates.
Sabbath, church, and mission: The post-lockdown view
What should church be like after lockdown? Has an ‘enforced’ rest modified the way we look at Sabbath? How about mission? Will we do it differently?
Working together in difficult times and still open for business: TED Spring Meetings
48 participants of the Trans-European Division Spring Meetings, who joined by zoom for an intense but productive morning on Monday, 18 May.
ADRA Norway provides learning solutions despite closed schools
With schools closed in Myanmar, ADRA Norway provides vocational e-learning and training.
The latest #dearcoronavirus clip #9 asks about your passionate dream and stands in solidarity with all those struggling in the unfortunate world of Coronavirus.
Care in a Crisis: Reflections from a ‘returned’ Intensive Care Nurse
“These are as far from normal times as I have ever experienced in 40 years working for the NHS!” says Moira Surridge.
Improvisation the key to video success in lockdown
Improvisation and innovation have become key words for the Thomollari family – including their children.
#dearmum – this is your special day
The latest #dearcoronavirus clip #8 is dedicated to the mothers.
GAiN Europe Uncertainty series to launch 30 May
Delayed by the Coronavirus pandemic, the series of two films, five documentaries, video clips and a book will premiere on Saturday, 30 May to offer hope in an uncertain world throughout the summer months.
COVID overload – ‘I’ve heard too much!’
Are we suffering COVID overload? Dr Helgi Jónsson believes we might – and offers advice on how to protect ourselves.
Abuse in lockdown – and how to help
Lockdown has brought with it all kinds of relational challenges including extreme loneliness, getting on each other’s nerves, and figuring out how to do work, home school and family life within four small walls. But probably the most worrying are reports that began to emerge from some of the charities and organisations caring for victims of domestic abuse.
Tired of zoom? Try drive-in Church
The Adventist Church in Lillehammer invited to drive-in worship on the Sabbath, April 25.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency steps up global COVID-19 Operations
ADRA has launched COVID-19 response projects in 37 countries to support frontline workers, low-income families, the elderly, and people facing lay-offs as a result of the crisis.
The big thank you! #dearcoronavirus 7
How big a thank you have you said this week? My neighbour works in a local supermarket. She told me how good it felt to be thanked and to feel valued during this crisis.
My name is Manca. I am a nurse, and this is my story during the COVID-19.
Manca is both a nurse in a care home and a young mother. She was recently the recipient of an ADRA Slovenia care package – and shared her story.
TED Words of Hope 7 focuses on children
TED Words of Hope focuses on what you are doing online with children in worship – as well as a very thoughtful piece from Helgi Jónsson who takes a reflective look at where we might want to be – as individuals and a church – when we finally come out of this period of isolation.
Dear Coronavirus 6: Supporting Those with Loss
Often, we have no words that can adequately comfort the grieving. It is just our presence. “The new #dearcoronavirus #6 is perhaps to most moving to date. It may well make your spine tingle as you watch it.”
Church of gifts and talents. Hosanna ONLINE festival in Poland.
The annual Hosanna Festival in Poland turned a potential Coronavirus disaster into an impressive online success.
Youth alive pilot programmes vital in Albania & Lithuania
‘Youth Alive’ is a practical reality in Albania and Lithuania with two pilot projects running since training last summer.
ST.NETWORK: enhancing mission through networking in a secular world
ST.Network (The Signs of the Times European Network) introduces itself as an outlet for Christian analysis and opinion designed as especially relevant to a reading audience. It also welcomes all readers willing to discover the real benefits of developing a carefully informed outlook on life.
“We did our best to stay true – even during a national lock down – to our Christian calling to “proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Cor 11:26). This call has not been cancelled, not even now.”
In the Orthodox tradition, they call it Great Friday. For them, this weekend is Easter, and for Yannis Vrakas in Greece, this means a time to reflect.
ADRA Europe issues statement on COVID-19 pandemic: WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER
The statement states that “as we confront this pandemic crisis with our partners, we are serving on the front lines by providing shelter and food for the homeless, supporting healthcare and mental health services, providing education, and helping vulnerable seniors, youth, children and families across the world.”
iCOR, the intergenerational church of refuge, is about Church becoming a safe, community-oriented, spiritual environment for people of all ages. How does that work in a time of lockdown?
How can we listen better when people are distressed? That is a big question for which we need answers as people deal with the myriad issues related to social isolation, illness, mental health and the financial pressures caused by the current COVID-19 situation.
Challenging Loneliness. Challenging coronavirus. Providing hope.
With the strong ‘stay at home’ message from governments and authorities, loneliness can be one of the negative side effects of this Coronavirus pandemic.
ADRA Slovenia offers volunteer training and ‘healthy baskets’ during COVID-19 outbreak
ADRA Slovenia offers training to volunteers and practical help to the elderly and to healthcare workers.
Youth and Pathfinder Ministries Keeping One Step Ahead across the British Isles
British Union Conference Youth Ministries has undergone a major change to adapt to the COVID-19 crisis.
Resourcing Children and Parents during lockdown
Children’s Ministries leaders around the TED are putting together resources for children and parents to use in lockdown.
I talked to 10 people who are sick with COVID-19
Norel Iocab, a pastor and Semnele Timpului editor in chief, interviews 10 people who have been infected with COVID-19.
Web church in Denmark reaching those they never reached before
Coronavirus in Denmark has encoureged an entire rethink of web-church and they have now started producing weekly programmes on
Coronavirus victims fight back in the latest #dearcoronavirus video
Most of us know somebody with coronavirus or, perhaps, have it ourselves. Sadly, some of us know friends or family who have lost the battle.
A Scandinavian doctor with broad experience in international humanitarian work wrote a poem and drew a sketch that reflects his experience while serving in another part of the world.
Physically separated but ‘still together’, TED staff post defiant message
Trans-European Division staff may be in lockdown, working from home and radically needing to adjust their routines, but this week they sent out a very strong message that ‘we are still together’.
Baptism in Croatia plea despite Coronavirus Lockdown
No viral pandemic was going to stop one man from making public his commitment to Christ.
Tiny particle creating huge problems
It is hard to believe that something so small can cause so much damage! Over recent weeks, the news has been flooded with reports about COVID-19 and the huge problems this pandemic is creating across the world. But how much do you know about the miniscule culprit responsible for all the chaos?
Helping children (and others) with viral anxiety
The more children feel loved, safe, and happy, the less anxious they’ll be. Even in hard times, there are lots of things you can do in your own home to help your children and teenagers feel much less anxious.
Dear Grandparents – a message of love from around the world
Fifteen children from around the world share a message of love to their grandparents.
Prayer without borders – defying social isolation
Mervi Kalmus, a pastor from Estonia, shares how she has overturned the feelings of complete uselessness by having to self-isolate into a ministry that reaches beyond the borders of her home.
Caring for community even in lockdown – churches across Europe respond
Adventist Churches and institutions across the Trans-European Division are working hard to support members, students, and community during the coronavirus pandemic.
The value of one life. Ethical decisions in a time of crisis
Yannis Vrakas, a pastor in Greece, reflects on the ethical implications of the current coronavirus lockdown affecting his country and large parts of Europe.
Hungarian pastor cares for marriages during coronavirus isolation
The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a threat to our physical health, but equally a challenge for our emotional and relational lives. As the quarantine in China loosened, people went in unusual numbers to the offices to apply for divorce
General Conference Session postponed, downsized
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic the General Conference Session (GC Session) of the Seventh-day Adventist World church scheduled for this summer is now rescheduled for May 2021 in what will be a smaller and tighter event.
#dearcoronavirus – a message of hope
Lives are disrupted, damaged or lost. Economies devastated; plans destroyed. The pandemic of 2020 will never be forgotten. But what if, in the midst of fear and anxiety, the Church provides a message of hope.
Words of Hope – TED Leaders react to coronavirus pandemic
With school and churches shut, travel clampdowns world-wide, self-isolation and social distancing becoming the new norm, the Trans-European Division has responded with Words of Hope in a video released today.
Coronavirus, God and each other
When Coronavirus stops church there is time for reflection.
TED Events cancelled over Coronavirus
Over the past 6 weeks, Coronavirus or COVID-19 has spread from China around the globe. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now declared it to be a pandemic. As Christians, we have a responsibility to care for others and each other, creating safe working and meeting environments.
Featured Articles

There’s so much more than what you see, how God is there, you can now hear His voice again.
Coping in Quarantine or Isolation
Recommendations on how to cope with being in quarantine or isolation.
Recommendations regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
How is the infection spread? Droplets containing the virus are spread from the mouth of infected individuals. when they cough, sneeze or talk.
TED advice on COVID–19, health and mission
With an increase in the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain European countries, particularly northern Italy, the Trans-European Division is reiterating the advice given by the General Conference Health department.
Considering reopening your church?
Here are a few points to take into consideration if you are considering reopening your church.
How to take a spiritual retreat without leaving your front door, a lesson on Dinah and more.
Facing the Crisis with Confidence
The Signs of the Times Truth Matters special edition shares a piece on the coronavirus pandemic as a practical and spiritual response to the most significant global health crisis of the 21st century.
Sindre Hammersbøen of Hope Channel Norway has created an album of easily translatable inspiring Bible verses.
A booklet that gives you some practical tips of how to live Christ’s values during the lockdown.
#COVIBOOK – Supporting and reassuring children around the world
A short book to support and reassure our children, under the age of 7, regarding the COVID-19. This book is an invitation for families to discuss the full range of emotions arising from the current situation.
Read more.
Ranelagh church in Dublin started a great initiative – each week the CM department posts encouraging words as a ‘Letter from God’ and they then make the Art&Crafts enclosed.
These are trying times. But during trying times people become very creative.
Video Resources
Words of Hope 13: A pastoral response to triple murder
Following a fatal triple stabbing in Forbury Gardens, Reading, England, the Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the area offer a compassionate and sensitive response.
#dearcoronavirus 12: Nothing more to say!
In our final #dearcoronavirus video we challenge the emptiness this virus brings with the resilience of the human spirit.
TED Words of Hope 11: Joy, thankfulness and opportunity
Discover how a new virtual art form is infiltrating the Trans-European Division office. Explore learning opportunities as Newbold deals with a closed campus but an open mind, and Patrick Johnson’s pointers on renewing Sabbath in last week’s episode, following with Victor Hulbert who takes to the countryside to discover how it works.
#dearcoronavirus 11: Racism is a virus
While coronavirus is bad, what may be worse is the attitudes some people have had to those they think may cause or spread it. Our theme this week is Love, not hate.
#dearcoronavirus 10: Putting anxiety to bed
We are keen for a return to normality, but as we wait for that day, here are some thoughts and tips to help reduce our anxiety.
TED Words of Hope 10: Sabbath, church, and mission – the post-lockdown view
In TED Words of Hope 10, we ask, “What should church be like after lockdown?” “Has an ‘enforced’ rest modified the way we look at Sabbath?” “How about mission? Will we do it differently?”
The latest #dearcoronavirus clip #9 asks about your passionate dream and stands in solidarity with all those struggling in the unfortunate world of Coronavirus.
TED Words of Hope 9: Creativity, Pathfinders, and the meaning of care.
We rejoice in the creativity of Pathfinders and their leaders and then share a very moving and powerful interview with a nurse who volunteered to work with some of the most seriously ill COVID-19 patients.
TED Words of Hope 8: Special VE edition
This special extended edition of TED Words of Hope reflects on VE day and peace as Pastor Victor Hulbert’s devotional thought jumps back to some of our Adventist pioneers and the positive way they dealt with conflict.
TED President, Raafat Kamel also shares how he lives a positive life in lockdown.
#dearcoronavirus 8: Call your Mum!
Sunday, 10 May is Mother’s Day in many parts of the world! We love and honour our mothers – so stepping slightly back from #dearcoronavirus, this week, we appreciate mothers.
#dearcoronavirus 7: Big thanks to key workers
In this #dearcoronavirus #7 we offer thanks to key workers, ordinary people who are providing a service that we often take for granted! We think your viewers will enjoy this fast-paced edition – and see if you can spot a minority language from one of the smaller countries.
How have your parental skills developed during lockdown and how has online church been a benefit to you, and especially your children?
Victor Hulbert talks with Nenad Jepuranović regarding church, finance and mission, shares worship around the Trans-European Division and learns the true meaning of hope with Pastor Paul Lockham.
#dearcoronavirus 6: Comfort for the grieving
In #dearcoronavirus #6 we hear from two people who have lost a loved one to this deadly virus – and give a silent tribute to support all those who have suffered loss.
#dearcoronavirus 5: Meet our medical heroes
The latest in the viral social media series #dearcoronavirus visits with medical staff from 15 countries to share their commitment and passion during this difficult time.
Deana and Judy share some of the exciting things that have been happening around the Trans-European Division over the Easter break, while Zlatko reinforces that ‘perfect love drives out fear’.
#dearcoronavirus 4: Lonely?
The GAiN Europe network in cooperation with IAD presents #dearcoronavirus 4: Lonely? Another video letter that raises reality and hope.
Meet Clair Sanches and find some Easter resources for your children. Listen to an original composition that shares hope, and join Raafat Kamal as he masters Zoom and shares a seasonal message.
#dearcoronavirus 3: You got me
In part 3 of #dearcoronavirus we hear from real people who are dealing with being infected – but who can still share hope.
TED office staff challenge #dearcoronavirus
Trans-European staff wanted to send a very strong message to friends and supporters in mission: We are still together. We support you, and we are thankful for what you are doing.
#dearcoronavirus 2: Grandparents
You are not alone! In these days of coronavirus, we send you a message of love – a message from your grandchildren – all over the world.
Coronavirus: More words of Hope
Social isolation is not stopping Adventists from sharing hope. Quarantined at home, Victor Hulbert remotely hosts 3 guests: Karen Holford gives tips on overcoming anxiety, Tihomir Lazic has ideas to improve your online ministry, and Audrey Andersson tries to become invisible – while reflecting on a Psalm.
#dearcoronavirus: A letter from around the world
Lives are disrupted, damaged or lost. Economies devastated; plans destroyed. The pandemic of 2020 will never be forgotten. But what if, in the midst of fear and anxiety, we stand united, around the world, a message of hope. #dearcoronavirus
It is time to bring hope! Leaders from the Trans-European Division office share how thankfulness and hope are still an important part of our lives during the current pandemic. Self-filmed on smart-phones by 4 individuals in 3 locations.