Communication Professionals Voice their Need for Greater Collaboration

16 October 2012 Alsbach-Hähnlein, Germany [Widar Ursett, tedNEWS] The desire for joint ventures and shared resources across the European divisions ranks high among media workers, but language barriers and financial limits represent real hurdles en route to that goal.

At the ‘European Adventist Media Convention 2012’, held 8 – 10 October, and staged at Stimme der Hoffnung, in Germany by  Inter-European Division and Trans-European Division (TED), communication and media workers connected, shared resources and received training to better their skills at sharing the gospel.


Each morning commenced with a devotional that concentrated on the story of the loving father and his two sons found in the Bible Luke 15:11-32. The story was illustrated through a very emotional three-act drama that brought everybody present from laugher to tears. Please click here to watch the drama.

Throughout workshops and plenary sessions sharing was uppermost on the agenda. Requests were made for websites where resources can be uploaded by providers and downloaded by users, for sharing ideas, advice, aid, a common information platform for e-news providers and materials. Pedro Torres, Communication and Media Director in Spain, summed up his own attitude towards the end of the Conference: “Whatever I do in Communications is yours and hopefully you think the same way. Although some things are expensive, that should not hinder us.”

Dragana and Frederic Duval, tedMEDIA Productions filmmakers whose workshop under the title ‘Cinematography – storytelling through short clips’ received great attention from participants wanting to learn how to make short, attractive and to-the-point video clips. “In these days of social media, people like to watch short clips concerning all aspects of life, including spiritual uplifting”, says Frederic Duval.

Social media evangelism was the main focus of the presentation done by Mirjana Kicuši?, LIFEconnect Marketing Manager, and Miroslav Puji?, Communication and Media Director at the Trans-European Division. Many forms of social media are used today by over 1.6 billion people and that is the market where we can find people seeking answers to life’s questions. Puji? shares his views of the conference: “The meetings provided the environment for a high level of collaboration, and for the plans to develop an integrated media strategy. It was great to see how the Adventist media and communication experts across Europe are open for networking, sharing and learning in order to be more effective in doing ministry.”

With all this enthusiasm to share, it may be easy to forget that major producers are under pressure to provide widespread support. Stephan Fraunberger, Technical Director at Stimme der Hoffnung, reminded us that ideas and advice can be shared freely, but major TV-productions are funded by local Unions and Divisions, and sharing at this level may also include sharing the financial costs.

One of the major collaborative projects launched by Stimme der Hoffnung and presented at one of the morning sessions, is a 13 part series on the Book of Revelation entitled “Open Secret”, which takes the viewr on a thematic and evangelistic tour of the book. The series will be illustrated throughout by enacted scenes that highlight the themes under discussion. The story board and illustrations are provided, and each union or language group is welcome to use their own hosts for the programmes.

The next meeting is planned to be in September 2014 in Serbia. For more information visit: [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.
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