'Colourful Wardrobe' in Banja Luka

<p class="rtejustify"><span style="color: #696969;">8 September 2014 | Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzagovina [ADRA BiH, <em>ted</em>NEWS]</span> On 1 September 2014, a second-hand shop ‘Colourful Wardrobe’, founded by Adventist Relief Agency (ADRA) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), was opened in Gundulićeva 8 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the first shop of this kind in the region where the profit of the shop is intended for socially vulnerable citizens.</p>

News November 13, 2014

8 September 2014 | Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzagovina [ADRA BiH, tedNEWS] On 1 September 2014, a second-hand shop ‘Colourful Wardrobe’, founded by Adventist Relief Agency (ADRA) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), was opened in Gundulićeva 8 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the first shop of this kind in the region where the profit of the shop is intended for socially vulnerable citizens.

 At the opening, the team from the national television channel, RTRS media, came and covered the story to promote the work of the shop.

Despite the heavy rain, in only two hours, there were many visitors to the shop, including 15 customers and a profit of BAM142.00 (£58.00).  ADRA BiH team is extremely happy for the opportunity to be able to support their fellow citizens.

ADRA BiH Director, Božidar Mihajlović, on behalf of the team, expressed his appreciation to ADRA Austria for the financial support to open their first Social enterprise and ADRA Czech Republic, ADRA Germany and ADRA Slovenia for the clothes donation. 

For more information about ADRA BiH, please click here. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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