Character-Driven Leaders

More Nightingale, please...!

News January 31, 2025

31 January 2025| St Albans [David Neal]

In a new monthly series for tedNEWS, we consider ‘the character question’ and its significance in Christian leadership. This introductory piece discusses why character is foundational to leadership, beginning with the first and foremost value.

Political leaders have always faced ‘the character question’. Some ignore it, while others display it as a badge of honour. Those who ignore it argue that their behaviour and lifestyle are irrelevant as long as they lead the country in the right direction socially and economically. All is well and good until the candidate for leadership depends on the support of the Christian community to get elected. Does personal character matter? “We are not voting for a pastor, but a president. He’s there to lead the country, not be a spiritual guide.” And therein lies a big conversation, which is not our concern here.

But when it comes to Christian leadership – character does matter.

Who and what is a Christian Leader?

What does it mean to be a Christian leader? Is it about being effective, productive, and driven with purpose? And who is a Christian leader anyway? In his book “Lead Like Jesus”, Ken Blanchard suggests that “anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behaviours, or development of someone in your personal or professional life, you are taking on the role of a leader… which can be as intimate as speaking words of guidance and encouragement to a loved one, or as formal as passing instructions along extended lines of communication in an organisation.” (1)

Inspired by Stephen Covey’s  7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and with respect for his work, I believe Christian leadership needs a framework centred on character: the “7 Values of Character-Driven Leaders.”

But first, take a look at the tiger, the pig, the mule, and the nightingale.

“In each human heart reside a tiger, a pig, an ass and a nightingale. Diversity of character is due to their unequal activity.” Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

The Tiger, Pig, Mule and Nightingale

“In each human heart reside a tiger, a pig, an ass [mule], and a nightingale. The diversity of character comes from their unequal activity.” (2) Hold it right there! I can already hear you say, and ask —where did that come from? That sharp and cynical observation belongs to Ambrose Bierce. Born in Ohio in 1842, Bierce served as a soldier in the American Civil War, witnessing horrors that left him deeply scarred. But the war wasn’t the only battle he fought. After the war, he became an investigative journalist for the San Francisco Examiner, with an eye for rooting out corruption.

In 1896, he uncovered a staggering $130 million railroad fraud—equivalent to nearly $5 billion today. The scheme involved a congressman pushing a bill to erase the massive debts of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad companies. Bierce saw it for what it was: a blatant act of fraud. His relentless exposé made him the railroad companies’ number one enemy.

One day, on the steps of the U.S. Congress, a man approached him with a thinly veiled offer. “Mr. Bierce, what’s your price? If you stop fighting this bill, we’ll make sure you’re well taken care of. Nod, nod, wink, wink…” Without missing a beat, Bierce shot back: “My price is one hundred thirty million dollars. If, when you are ready to pay, I happen to be out of town, you may hand it over to my friend—the Treasurer of the United States.”

One day, on the steps of the U.S. Congress, a man approached him with a thinly veiled offer. “Mr. Bierce, what’s your price?”

The Character of a Tiger

The tiger is independent and resilient, thriving in solitude and relying solely on its own strength. Highly adaptable, it navigates diverse environments with cunning and skill, making it a formidable hunter. Self-reliant and territorial, the tiger fiercely defends its space with an unspoken yet powerful presence. Crafty and intelligent, it moves with precision, embodying a perfect balance of power and strategy in the wild. A tiger is driven by instinct.

The Character of a Pig

The pig is said to be intelligent, resourceful, social, curious, and to have a keen sense of adaptability, but I’m not sure that these positive characteristics were on Bierce’s mind. Rather, he was more likely to see greedy “pigs in the trough”, totally focused on devouring their food and without consideration for others. A pig is driven by instinct.

The Character of a Mule

The mule (ass or donkey) is a symbol of resilience, reliability, and hard work, known for its steady nature and ability to endure harsh conditions. Fiercely independent, it thinks for itself, often refusing to move when it senses danger – the word ‘stubborn’ comes to mind. Another characteristic I found was the bottle of a traditional non-alcoholic ginger drink, which describes its effect as “with the kick of two very angry mules.” A mule is driven by instinct.

The Character of a Nightingale

The nightingale, known for its beautiful song, sings even in the darkest of times. A solitary and shy creature, it thrives in moments of quiet reflection. Yet, when the right moment comes, it expresses itself fully, filling the air with its powerful melody. While deeply self-aware, a nightingale is also driven by instinct.

“In each human heart are a tiger, a pig, an ass and a nightingale,” says Bierce. “Diversity of character is due to their unequal activity.”

So here’s my take on Bierce’s deeply cynical reminder of the human condition. There are times when I can see in me a measure of the characteristics tiger, pig, and ass. Hopefully, I can see much more of the fourth, the nightingale. But there is one difference to note: Christian leaders are not driven by instinct!

The seven values of character-driven leaders – Christ first, last, and in-between.


Transformed by Christ

What Bierce does from his cynical perspective, and in an inadequate way to get attention, is to describe the human condition that Paul experiences.   

“I know that all God’s commands are spiritual,

but I’m not. Isn’t this also your experience?”

Yes. I’m full of myself—after all, I’ve spent a long time in sin’s prison.

What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way,

but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise.

So if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it,

it becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary.

Romans 7:14-16 (The Message)

Tim Keller is not the first to recognise Paul’s dilemma. “The gospel is this,” he says. “We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time, we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” (3)

If transformation is ever to take place, then there is only one way it can ever happen: when our appreciation of God and His merciful love for us deepens. Is it any wonder Paul says in his letter to the Philippians, “Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (2:5 ESV)?

A New Operating System?

In any office environment, there’s a debate over which operating system reigns supreme—Microsoft Windows or macOS? And people on either side often disdain those using the other system. Windows, well-known for its flexibility, hardware compatibility, and wide range of software options, is the preferred choice for many businesses and gamers. In contrast, macOS, developed by Apple, is excellent for integration with other Apple products like the iPhone and iPad and is the go-to for design and video editing. And most people agree that Apple products look good. Having used both systems over the last six years, switching can be frustrating!

Microsoft Windows or macOS? People on either side often disdain those using the other system.

“Notice”, says Andrew Ollerton in his commentary referencing Romans 12, “that this transformation begins with the mind. How we see ourselves and the world needs to change… [because] humans consist of both hardware and software, bodies and minds. Real transformation begins when our software is reprogrammed according to God’s truth.” Here’s the point — character-driven leaders have been transformed for the better by Christ despite their humanity. We do not behave by instinct. We do not lead by instinct.

Today’s Take Away

If our character is to have more nightingale and less lion, pig, and mule, reflective self-awareness is critical.

On which operating system is my leadership based? Does it run on the framework of what Jesus referred to as the rule-based dysfunctional “You have heard it said…” system? Or on the kingdom-building “But I say to you…” system? Changing from one to the other is inadequate, because the focus is on behaviour modification fraught with difficulty and failure. Instead, a deeper renewal is necessary from the inside out — transformation.

Transformation is only possible when we recognise and receive the love, mercy, and kindness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

More about that next time.

For today – more nightingale, please!

Featured image: Shutterstock reshaped for tedNEWS by Maria Ćirin

Photos: Shutterstock

  1. Ken Blanchard, Lead Like Jesus – Chapter 1, Are You A Leader?

2. The Devil’s Dictionary, 1906. Quote taken from Bierce’s definition of the word “heart.”

3.  Tim Keller, The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God, 2011. Page 44.



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