Scandinavia Launches Adventist Communication Academy

Scandinavia Launches Adventist Communication Academy

12 November 2018 | Vejlefjord, Denmark [Jan-Gunnar Wold] How can you communicate better using today’s myriad electronic media platforms?  To help answer that question, over forty people met at Vejlefjord Adventist College, Denmark for a communication weekend 9-11 November.

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Building Community with Refugees

12 November 2018 | Binfied, UK  [Helen Pearson] Nick Harborne, Director of the Refugee Support Group in Reading (RRSG), the nearest large town to Newbold College, offered the audience attending the Tuesday, 6 November Diversity lecture an insight into the seriousness of the refugee situation on their doorstep.

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Where am I heading?

8 November 2018 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] It was one of those surreal moments – half asleep on an early morning flight from Oslo to London.  The plane had taken off and was heading towards cruising altitude as a member of the cabin crew announced a warm welcome onboard this flight from Oslo…

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Adventists and war – 100 years on since Armistice day, 11 November 1918

8 November 2018 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] It was called ‘the war to end all wars’.  Sadly, history tells another tale.  Despite the World War I (WWI) deaths of 17 million soldiers, with the injury of 21 million more, the Imperial War Museum in London records that war has taken place every single…

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TED Stewardship director accepts call as Stanborough Press Editor

1 November 2018 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] David Neal, Stewardship director for the Trans-European Division, today accepted a call to serve as Editor of the Stanborough Press, effective 1 January 2019.  He follows in a long line of editors, the most recent, David Marshall and Julian Hibbert, who have impacted the lives of…

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ADRA in Europe promotes greater wellbeing

29 October 2018 | Budapest, Hungary [Maja Ahac] European ADRA leaders met in Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 October to discuss and find new approaches to make a bigger impact around the world.  The aim was to accelerate the wellbeing of disadvantaged people and to build a stronger ADRA network.

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Reconciliation leads to mass ordination service in Hungary

26 October 2018 | Budapest, Hungary [Victor Hulbert/Natasha Pujols]   Two mass ordination services on Sabbath, 27 October will see a further step in the reunification of two branches of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hungary. The two groups divided over forty years ago, principally over issues of government control during the then communist regime.

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Youth explore Adventist Identity at Newbold Symposium

24 October 2018 | Binfield, UK [Kärt Lazic/tedNEWS] In a remarkable feat of organisation and planning, a 19-year-old Newbold undergraduate student, together with his brother, visioned an event that would encourage youth to do far more than “Stay strong and stand firm!” the message they often hear from the pulpit.

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A Pastoral Message from Trans-European Division President, Raafat Kamal

23 October 2018 | St Albans [TED Communications]  Ever since the 2015 General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas, the Trans-European Division leadership and Executive Committee has sought to work closely with the General Conference leadership to gain a common understanding, resolve differences, and seek positive solutions on issues particularly facing the church in Europe.…

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How do you write a theme song?

15 October 2018 | Belgrade, Serbia [Victor Hulbert] You know how it is.  Lots of planning goes into an event:  Convention centres are booked, speakers assigned, workshop and witness programmes arranged, meals and accommodation negotiated – then at the last minute someone suggests, “perhaps we should have a theme song!”

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