Outreach and Christian Identity

Outreach and Christian Identity

20 April 2018 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson] Seventh-day Adventists are very interested both in their identity and with mission and outreach. This report explores these ideas from within the context of the Anglican communion, sharing openly at the concluding Diversity lecture for this academic year at Newbold College of Higher Education, on 18 April…

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Hungarian Adventists commit to ‘build churches in a crumbling world’

19 April 2018 | Debrecen, Hungary [Géza Hegyes-Horváth/tedNEWS] Over 700 members from across eastern Hungary committed to ‘Building churches in a crumbling world’ during the Tisza Conference’s fourth ‘Out of the salt shaker’ Mission retreat, the weekend of 13-14 April 2018.  The weekend also saw a special dedication of staff for two Centres of Influence…

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British volunteers learn the meaning of ‘estamos aqui para servir’

18 April 2018 | San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic [Sajitha Forde-Ralph] What motivates 16 British volunteers to raise funds, leave the comforts of home and travel to an island recently devastated by hurricanes? Maybe for it’s rich history, beautiful beaches and thriving culture; yet, there was a stronger purpose as they flew to the Dominican Republic…

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Adventist Radio London Goes Live!

11 April 2018 | London, UK [Sam Davies] London residents now have a brand new radio choice, a station unashamedly sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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Newbold student lands internship at Hewlett-Packard Enterprises

10 April 2018 | Binfield, UK [Newbold PR dept]Newbold Business student, Patrycja Niewolik, has been offered and accepted an international media and analyst relations internship at Hewlett-Packard Enterprises (HPE) in Bracknell, Berkshire.

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TED Health director tapped for role at General Conference

10 April 2018 | Silver Springs, USA [Victor Hulbert] Dr Torben Bergland was today elected as Associate Health director for the Seventh-day Adventist World Church (General Conference). He will replace Dr Fred Hardinge who retires this summer.

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European Adventists emphasise ‘This is my mission’ during 2nd Annual GAiN Conference

31 March 2018 | Canet, Spain [EUD & TED Communication department. Photos: Various GAiN participants via ADAMS photo system]A Mission project first decided during GAiN Europe 2017 came to full fruition in March 2018 with the world premiere of ‘This is my Mission – What is yours?’

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Lifetime achievement award granted to ‘Communicator Emeritus’ at GAiN Europe Conference

2 April 2018 | Canet, Spain [EUD & TED Communication department. Photos. Various GAiN participants via ADAMS photo system]Matthias Müller, a former director of the German Voice of Hope Media Centre (Stimme-der-Hoffnung) is now the owner of ‘The Bridge Lifetime Achievement Award’, presented during the GAiN Europe Conference in Canet, Spain, 23 – 27 March 2018.

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Forgiveness Stronger than Revenge

1 April 2018 | Nummela, Finland [Sakari Vehkavuori] Something tragic happened in Finland exactly 100 years ago. Despite that, Viktor Ståhlberg, a recently baptised Seventh-day Adventist, didn’t want to see 10 soldiers killed in revenge for his son’s barbaric death. In 1918, the country was mired in a bloody civil war where Reds, mainly comprised…

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Global Youth Day impacts thousands across the TED

30 March 2018 | Reykjavik, Iceland [Alastair Agbaje] It has been running since 2013 with greater success and involvement every year! This year, Global Youth Day on Sabbath, 17 March involved up to an estimated 10 million young people.

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