Sabbath School study guide now available anywhere, anytime, in multiple languages

Sabbath School study guide now available anywhere, anytime, in multiple languages

15 May 2018 | Sydney, Australia [Tracey Bridcutt/tedNEWS] Volunteering can lead you in unexpected directions.  Jared Martin and his wife took a year out from their studies in Australia to volunteer at the Danish Junior College, Vejlefjordskolen.  They didn’t have access to a printed version of the Sabbath School lesson and found themselves struggling with…

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Healthy Relationships evangelism in South East Europe

3 May 2018 | Belgrade, Serbia [Marija Trajkovska] Historically speaking, spring time is when kings and armies set out to start new wars and go on the offensive. Today one of our biggest wars involves the breakdown of marriage and relationships – something that is destroying people’s lives.To tackle this issue the Family Ministries department…

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European Health Conference tackles reversing disease with LifeStyle Medicine

28 April 2018 | Bucharest, Romania [Corrado Cozzi, EUDNews / Victor Hulbert] More than 640 medical professionals, dentists, chaplains, health educators and students met together 17-21 April for the second European Health Conference in Bucharest, Romania. The conference theme, ‘Reversing diseases with Lifestyle Medicine’, addressed a major challenge in terms of treatment of disease.

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Former refugee asks God to bless ADRA

24 April 2018 | Norway [Tor Tjeransen] Yaman* fled with his mother and four siblings from the bombs falling on his village in Syria. On a bitterly cold train station at the border of Macedonia, ADRA gave the family warm clothing. Last weekend Yaman thanked ADRA for helping his family. “God bless the work of…

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Croatian Gospel Ensemble reach national audience, share mission

24 April 2018 | Zagreb, Croatia [Darko Kovačević] To share Jesus in front of a live audience of almost 2,000 people, plus a national radio and TV audience is every evangelist’s dream.  The evangelist in this case is the Croatian Gospel ensemble, Agape; the venue, the Vatroslav Lisinski grand hall in Zagreb.  The anniversary concert…

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Newbold Students Lend a Helping Hand in Greece

23 April 2018 | Athens, Greece [Clive Malcolm] Twenty-seven students and six staff volunteers from Newbold College distributed food to the homeless on the streets of Athens during a 10-day mission trip to Greece, 21 March to 2 April.

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Outreach and Christian Identity

20 April 2018 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson] Seventh-day Adventists are very interested both in their identity and with mission and outreach. This report explores these ideas from within the context of the Anglican communion, sharing openly at the concluding Diversity lecture for this academic year at Newbold College of Higher Education, on 18 April…

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Hungarian Adventists commit to ‘build churches in a crumbling world’

19 April 2018 | Debrecen, Hungary [Géza Hegyes-Horváth/tedNEWS] Over 700 members from across eastern Hungary committed to ‘Building churches in a crumbling world’ during the Tisza Conference’s fourth ‘Out of the salt shaker’ Mission retreat, the weekend of 13-14 April 2018.  The weekend also saw a special dedication of staff for two Centres of Influence…

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British volunteers learn the meaning of ‘estamos aqui para servir’

18 April 2018 | San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic [Sajitha Forde-Ralph] What motivates 16 British volunteers to raise funds, leave the comforts of home and travel to an island recently devastated by hurricanes? Maybe for it’s rich history, beautiful beaches and thriving culture; yet, there was a stronger purpose as they flew to the Dominican Republic…

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Adventist Radio London Goes Live!

11 April 2018 | London, UK [Sam Davies] London residents now have a brand new radio choice, a station unashamedly sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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