Youth Leaders Gather in Europe for Training and Inspiration

Youth Leaders Gather in Europe for Training and Inspiration

19 February 2019 | Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany [Corrado Cozzi, Inter-European Division]   About 330 youth leaders met in the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, for the third gathering of the PULSEmeet leadership training to learn and exchange ideas with other youth leaders from across the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Europe, on February 6-10, 2019. PULSEmeet 2019…

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‘Fathers’ cross media project to launch at GAiN Europe 2019

15 February 2019 | Jordan [EUD/TED News. Corrado Cozzi/Victor Hulbert]   For two years running, participants at GAiN Europe (the Global Adventist internet Network) have worked on a joint project that can make a difference for each country involved. The aim is that media centres of any size, together with communication departments, editors and even individual…

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Freedom of Religion Seminar in Finland

13 February 2019 | Helskinki, Finland [Pekka Kärkkäinen] Dr Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, made the opening presentation at a Seminar on religious freedom held in the Finnish Parliament library on Wednesday, 6 February.

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Three Brushes With Demons and Death in Finland

9 February 2019 | Tampere, Finland [Andrew McChesney] A light figure entered the room and chased out the dark figure.

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Learning mental health skills in the Baltic Union

7 February 2019 | Riga, Latvia [Alla Nõmmik] Sixty departmental leaders and their teams across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania now have greater understanding in dealing with mental health issues thanks to a three-part series run in the Baltic Union over the past year.

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Being a black Christian woman in Brexit Britain

7 February 2019 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson] The February Diversity lecture at Newbold College of Higher Education was a sober reminder of the dangers of partial story-telling in the country and in the churches.

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Polish Adventists meet with President Andrzej Duda

4 February 2019 | Warsaw, Poland [Daniel Kluska/tedNEWS] “Despite differences in faith and ethnicity, we create a national community of people on Polish soil,” emphasized Andrzej Duda, the President of Poland during a meeting with representatives of all major churches, religious associations and ethnic and national minorities present in Poland.

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New Documentary Highlights the Early Beginnings of Adventism in the British Isles

31 January 2019 | Watford, UK [Richard Daly]   How well do you know the history of how the Adventist Church started in your country?  I confess that even after spending six years studying for the ministry I have never gone into too much detail about how the Church started where I was born, raised and…

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How a passion for reading became a book market for ADRA

21 January 2019 | Røyse, Norway [Britt-Celine Oldebraten] I love reading. I read quickly and that results in lots of books every year. The only problem is: I do not have space for all those books in my tiny flat! I remember thinking: this is not a problem only for me - many people have…

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South England Conference Evangelism Expo 2019

18 January 2019 | Binfield, UK [Onysha Collins] The 'Death of Christianity in the UK' marked the headlines of Psychology Today. Words met with relish by the secular and astonishment from the Christian. The poll stated a steady decline of those professing the Christian faith as well as church attendees.

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