World Refugee Sabbath 2019

World Refugee Sabbath 2019

We would rejoice if there were NO World Refugee Sabbath - because there were NO refugees.  Sadly that is not the case, so for the fourth year running, the Trans-European Division, in partnership with the Inter-European Division and ADRA Europe, is highlighting the needs of refugees and migrants in Europe. Our focus this year is…

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Women discover ‘My worth in God’s eyes’

18 March 2019 | Belgrade, Serbia [Marija Trajkovska]What is my worth in God’s eyes? That is the serious question addressed by Raquel Arrais during a Women’s Ministries weekend in Belgrade, Serbia.

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Firing Adventist teacher over Sabbath observance issue deemed illegal in Denmark

13 March 2019 | Copenhagen, Denmark [tedNEWS with Lasse Bech]   An Adventist High School teacher, who was fired for refusal to attend an ‘open house’ event on a Saturday, has had his claim upheld by the Danish Equal Treatment Board.

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Networking project, ‘Fathers’ acclaimed during GAiN release

11 March 2019 | Amman, Jordan [TED/EUD news]  Communication leaders of the two European Divisions were presented with a special award recognising the way they have encouraged networking and cooperation between different media entities at the world GAiN Conference. 

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Saving Planet Earth – Can we? Should we?

11 March 2019 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Helen Pearson]  There is one issue that affects everyone on the planet, whether or not we want to recognise it. Our attitude to general environmental breakdown and the multiple ecological crises which is affecting us all was the subject of the March Diversity Lecture at Newbold College of Higher…

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Breaking the Trend

11 March 2019 | London, United Kingdom [Onysha D Collins]   On 23 February 2019 in London, the South England Conference (SEC) hosted their second ‘Breaking the Trend’ event; a day of celebration and fellowship. The programme was designed to incite newness and oneness and to provide remedial solutions around issues of isolation, exclusion, and shame.

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28 February 2019 | Stockholm, Sweden [Siri Bjerkan Karlsson] "Siri, you should be working in development." It was my uncle speaking. Odd Jordal started ADRA in Scandinavia and I was working as his secretary for one year, taking an extended gap between finishing school and starting university. I had just returned from two years working…

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‘Jesus – the exile and the traveller’

28 February 2019 | Zagreb, Croatia [Dragutin Matak]   World Day of Religious Liberty in Croatia under the motto, ‘Jesus – the exile and the traveller’, was marked by an award ceremony on 12 January 2019 in the beautiful hall of the University of Zagreb. It was also a 25-year celebration since the Croatian Religious Liberty…

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Join the ‘Every Child. Everywhere. In School.’ Advocacy Campaign

26 February 2019 | Amman, Jordan [ADRA/tedNEWS]  One million signatures are being petitioned in a brand new campaign that aims to facilitate education for every single child, world-wide. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) announced the new global advocacy campaign, 'Every Child. Everywhere. In School,' during a combined ADRA and Adventist Communicators conference in Amman,…

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Learning to Love Difference

19 February 2019 | St Albans [Patrick Johnson]  Also availble as Audio podcast.   Many of the world’s problems come from fear of “the other.”

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