ADRA Croatia team join Wings for Life World Run

ADRA Croatia team join Wings for Life World Run

28 May 2019 | Zadar, Croatia [Darko Kovačević]  Wearing running shirts emblazoned with the ADRA logo and slogan ‘Justice. Compassion. Love’, an ADRA Croatia team participated in the globally renowned humanitarian international Wings for Life World Run. Together they ran a total of 227.5 km in Zadar, an attractive coastal city, host to the race…

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A new sporting look for Newbold’s 23rd Annual General Meeting

24 May 2019 | Binfield, UK [Angeline Tyrokomos]   Sombrely dressed men and women headed towards a sports hall? That is not the traditional picture of the Newbold Annual General Meeting – a review of academic and financial progress over the past twelve months. Yet on Sunday, 19 May, that is exactly what happened. With the…

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Becoming European: The Trans-European Division at 90

23 May 2019 | Binfield, United Kingdom [Victor Hulbert with Helen Pearson]  There are three essentials for a good party: guests, a cake and a good speech. Leaders of the Trans-European Division found they had all three aplenty when they gathered for a ninety-year celebration on Saturday afternoon, 18 May.

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ASI Europe responds to ‘Macedonian call’

22 May 2019 | Paris, France [Christiane Theiss] “Five years ago, I received a ‘Letter from Macedonia’”, Christiane Theiss, ASI Europe president states. “It offered IT services, webhosting, web design and software development. At first glance I thought that this was a marketing letter like many others I received in the past, but then something…

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With time out of the office, TED aims for caring staff environment

20 May 2019 | St Albans, United Kingdom [Victor Hulbert]  Working together for better health outcomes, staff at the Trans-European Division (TED) office took two full days to focus on positive health in a comprehensive programme that reviewed stress, diet, exercise, mental health, and the work-life balance. Day one was theory as health specialists provided information…

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Trans-European Division Recommendations to Encourage Greater Participation of Women in Ministry and Leadership

21 May 2019 | St Albans, United Kingdom [TED Executive Committee] On Monday, 20 May, the Trans-European Division (TED) Executive Committee voted a series of recommendations to encourage the greater participation of women in ministry and leadership.

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Nurture, retention and renewal for pastors at the BUC Ministers’ Council

23 May 2019 | Grantham, United Kingdom [Messenger News Service] As British Union Conference Ministerial Director Eglan Brooks and his team of association secretaries, pastors, George Kumi (NEC) and Ebenezer Jones-Lartey (SEC) planned the 2019 Ministerial Council, they designed it with a difference. ‘Our world needs strong leaders to nurture, retain and place opportunities for…

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Where ancient documents meet modern technology

20 May 2019 | Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Egypt [Tor Tjeransen/tedNEWS] Ancient manuscripts, many of which have not been fully studied, are now being made available to academics by a careful process of digitalisation in a remote Sinai monastery.

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Giles Barham to join TED treasury team

20 May 2019 | St Albans, United Kingdom [Victor Hulbert]   Giles Barham is to join the Trans-European Division (TED) as Assistant Treasurer. Included in his brief will be the important role of training finance teams across the 22 countries of the TED. This is more essential as a number of Unions and Conferences have had…

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Adventist baptismal witness on Cyprus beach

16 May 2019 | Limassol, Cyprus [Marica Mirilov] Limassol has a glorious beach. Most people go there to sunbathe or swim, but for over 150 participants at a Day of Fellowship in Cyprus on Sabbath, 11 May, their visit was to witness the baptism of five new members.

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