Iceland Photo Tour inspires and trains Adventist photographers

Iceland Photo Tour inspires and trains Adventist photographers

9 October 2019 | Reykjavik, Iceland [Victor Hulbert for TED, EUD, and NAD communications] Photographers and video makers from three Adventist Church world divisions gather in Iceland to network, share, and improve their photographic skills.

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Advancing Youth in Northern Greece Youth Conference

8 October 2019 | Katerini, Greece [Moses Siwale]  As a last opportunity before school and university, Adventist youth and their friends from across northern Greece met for a weekend at the Adventist Centre of Influence, POLIS, in Katerini, just a 45-minute drive south of Thessaloniki.

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Adventist school the best in Norway

7 October 2019 | Tyrifjord, Norway [Tor Tjeransen]  Tenth grade students at a church school in Norway gained the highest-grade point average across the country during the last school year, this according to statistics recently released by Norwegian education authorities.

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Men and Women Just Like Us

4 October | Binfield, UK [Clive Malcolm/tedNEWS]  Sometimes Bible characters seem very distant – unrelated to our modern, 21st century lives. Dr Laurence Turner, an eminent Old Testament scholar, has the ability to bring them to life with real, practical lessons for today.

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Are you hearing what I’m not saying?

3 October 2019 | Vejlefjord, Denmark [Jan-Gunnar Wold/tedNEWS]  Nearly 60 participants at the Nordic ‘Adventist Communication Academy’ headed to Vejlefjord Adventist Junior College, Denmark, 27-29 September, to hear what was not being said, learn what they did not know, and network across unexplored territory. 

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Invasion of love reconciles divided community

2 October 2019 | Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina [Božidar Mihajlović/tedNEWS]  War separates – often for years even when the conflict is over and ‘peace’ is restored. Distrust, hurt and pain have to be overcome. Adventist youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) see themselves as part of that bridge building process.

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Disabling disease no hinderance to baptism

2 October 2019 | Katerini, Greece [Yiannis Samaras]  Becoming ill with a rare spinal-cord disease was not going to stop John getting baptised. Despite being restricted to a wheelchair, his father and another church friend carried him into the sea for the very special ceremony on Monday, 2 September 2019. Adding to the joy of the…

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Hungarian members challenged, called and chosen at Mission camp meeting

19 September 2019 | Balaton, Hungary [Kis István] Hungarian Adventists feel blessed to own and operate a campsite on the shores of beutiful Lake Balaton, a holiday resort some 90 minutes south-west of the capital, Budapest. While often busy with camps for youth and children, a summer highlight is mission camp meeting, held this year,…

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Integrating Faith into Teaching

26 August 2019 Bracknell, United Kingdom [Clive Malcolm]   If God is an integral part of your life, then your faith is integrated into your teaching by default. When you accept Jesus as your Saviour, your faith becomes a part of your deoxyribonucleic acid – your DNA, or if you prefer, your spiritual DNA. You cannot…

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Showing up for inter-generational communication

17 September 2019 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Helen Pearson] ‘How do human beings make space for God in their lives?’ was the key question at the heart of the September Diversity Lecture – the first of the 2019 Autumn Semester at Newbold College on 10 September 2019.

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