Learning mental health skills in the Baltic Union

Learning mental health skills in the Baltic Union

7 February 2019 | Riga, Latvia [Alla Nõmmik] Sixty departmental leaders and their teams across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania now have greater understanding in dealing with mental health issues thanks to a three-part series run in the Baltic Union over the past year.

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Being a black Christian woman in Brexit Britain

7 February 2019 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson] The February Diversity lecture at Newbold College of Higher Education was a sober reminder of the dangers of partial story-telling in the country and in the churches.

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Polish Adventists meet with President Andrzej Duda

4 February 2019 | Warsaw, Poland [Daniel Kluska/tedNEWS] “Despite differences in faith and ethnicity, we create a national community of people on Polish soil,” emphasized Andrzej Duda, the President of Poland during a meeting with representatives of all major churches, religious associations and ethnic and national minorities present in Poland.

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New Documentary Highlights the Early Beginnings of Adventism in the British Isles

31 January 2019 | Watford, UK [Richard Daly]   How well do you know the history of how the Adventist Church started in your country?  I confess that even after spending six years studying for the ministry I have never gone into too much detail about how the Church started where I was born, raised and…

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How a passion for reading became a book market for ADRA

21 January 2019 | Røyse, Norway [Britt-Celine Oldebraten] I love reading. I read quickly and that results in lots of books every year. The only problem is: I do not have space for all those books in my tiny flat! I remember thinking: this is not a problem only for me - many people have…

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South England Conference Evangelism Expo 2019

18 January 2019 | Binfield, UK [Onysha Collins] The 'Death of Christianity in the UK' marked the headlines of Psychology Today. Words met with relish by the secular and astonishment from the Christian. The poll stated a steady decline of those professing the Christian faith as well as church attendees.

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The Beginning

18 January 2019 | Brussels, Belgium [João Martins, Executive Director, ADRA Europe]  I like beginnings. Whether opening a new box of Lego for my son and me to play with, starting a new responsibility at my church or initiating another project for ADRA; It is always an exciting experience. It reminds me of the “beginning”…

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​Missionary Wonders Why He Was Sent Home

16 January 2019 | Piikkiö, Finland [Andrew McChesney] Leif Hongisto couldn’t understand why he was heading home to Finland after serving for nine years as the president of Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon.

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Polish Church issues statement on murder of Gdańsk mayor, Mr Paweł Adamowicz

15 January 2019 | Warsaw, Poland [Marek Rakowski] Following the Sunday evening stabbing and subsequent death of Gdańsk mayor, Mr Paweł Adamowicz at the climax of a charity concert, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Poland has issued the following statement:

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A Shirt to Talk About

10 January 2019 | Oslo, Norway [Andrew McChesney] Glenn Lie slipped on his favourite green polo shirt and boarded a subway train in Oslo, Norway. The 55-year-old teacher hoped that people would stare at him. He didn’t have to wait long.

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