TED Words of Hope 7 focuses on children
30 April 2020 | St Albans, UK [tedNEWS] What is the most important thing you have learnt in lockdown? How have your parental skills developed as a home-schooler, home-worker, and full-time entertainment guru – and how has online church been a benefit to you, and especially your children?
Read MoreLocked down but not locked out
27 April 2020 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] Two pastors from two different ‘locked down’ countries, share how ministry and mission is still a part of their lives.
Read MoreDear Coronavirus 6: Supporting those with loss
24 April 2020 | Bern, Switzerland [CD-EUDNews/tedNEWS]. Often, we have no words that can adequately comfort the grieving. It is just our presence.“The new #dearcoronavirus #6 is perhaps to most moving to date. It may well make your spine tingle as you watch it,” declares Victor Hulbert, TED Communication director and one of the coordinators…
Read MoreChurch of gifts and talents. Hosanna ONLINE festival in Poland.
21 April 2020 | Warsaw, Poland [Daniel Maikowski] Logically it should have been cancelled, but organisers of the annual Hosanna Festival in Poland turned a potential Coronavirus disaster into an impressive online success.
Read MoreYouth alive pilot programmes vital in Albania & Lithuania
21 April 2020 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] ‘Youth Alive’ is a practical reality in Albania and Lithuania with two pilot projects running since training last summer.
Read MoreST.NETWORK: enhancing mission through networking in a secular world
20 April 2020 | Bucharest, Romania [EUD and tedNEWS] ST.Network (The Signs of the Times European Network) is the positive result of a long held desire to provide readers across Europe with well-researched biblical perspectives on the questions and challenges of life. It introduces itself as an outlet for Christian analysis and opinion designed as…
Read MoreThe Lord’s Supper in Lockdown
18 April 2020 | Tallinn, Estonia [Mervi Kalmus] I’ve never watched a horror movie in my life but believe me, I have a pretty good idea about what kind of things would make me freeze in front of a screen in utter horror! The Bible has a few stories that seem worthy candidates for a…
Read MoreGreat Friday in Greece
17 April 2020 | Athens, Athens [Yannis Vrakas] In the Orthodox tradition, they call it Great Friday. For them, this weekend is Easter, and for Yannis Vrakas in Greece, this means a time to reflect.
Read MoreADRA Europe issues statement on COVID-19 pandemic: WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER
17 April 2020 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] Noting the growing humanitarian crisis, ADRA Europe [The Adventist Development and Relief Agency] issued a statement on Friday 17 April noting that ‘we are in this together’.
Read MoreThanking our medical staff
16 April 2020 | St Albans, UK [EUD & TED News] The latest in the viral social media series #dearcoronavirus visits with medical staff from 15 countries to share their commitment and passion during this difficult time.
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