Diatribe or dialogue? Words of Hope 12
11 June 2020 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] When historians look back and study 2020 what lessons will they learn? Will the communal experience of the COVID-19 pandemic combined with the horror of the George Floyd killing be seen as drawing us closer together – or pushing us apart? Will the world, or will we…
Read MoreThe Biblical Story – A Study Guide
11 June 2020 | St. Albans, UK [Zlatko Musija] A new baptismal Bible study guide has been designed to help young people fall in love with the Bible and read it as one big story of God’s love.
Read More#dearcoronavirus 12: This is our final message!
10 June 2020 | Bern/St. Albans [EUDnews/tedNEWS] In the final #dearcoronavirus video, the emptiness this virus brings is challenged against the resilience of the human spirit. It is hard to write a letter to ‘dear coronavirus’. Even the word ‘dear’ makes us cringe. There is no love lost for this deadly disease. Yet the irony of…
Read MoreOutside-the-Box Ministry
8 June 2020 | Olso, Norway [Sandra Blackmer] When COVID-19 hit Norway late last February and turned the lives of its residents upside down, Delfred and Hannah Onde thought that everything their team was accomplishing in the Oslo community would come to a grinding halt. It wasn’t long, however, before the Holy Spirit helped them to…
Read MoreUncertainty – the movie, premiers 5 June
5 June 2020 | St Albans / Bern [EUD/tedNEWS] GAiN Europe is delighted to announce the premier of the film Uncertainty, a film about fears, life decisions, and faith.
Read MoreGAiN Europe Zoom edition launches major summer programme
A GAiN Europe special zoom edition replaced a cancelled four-day meeting but launched a major summer outreach initiative. 3 June 2020 | Bern/St. Albans [EUDnews, tedNEWS] As coronavirus hit Europe in March 2020, the 150 participants of the GAiN Europe conference scheduled for Romania, 24-28 April were understandably disappointed that their annual networking opportunity was cancelled.…
Read MoreTrans-European Division reacts to current tensions surrounding the death of George Floyd
2 June 2020 | St Albans, UK [tedCommunications] On behalf of all Seventh-day Adventist Church members in the Trans-European Division, our heartfelt sorrow and sympathy go to the family of George Floyd. An unarmed black man, Floyd died on 25 May after a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt on his neck for nine minutes while…
Read MoreNew YouTube Channel ‘Masterpiece Bible’
1 June 2020 | Bern, Switzerland [CD-EUDNews] A new, free resource just became available for everyone interested in practical, in-depth Bible study. In this time of confinement due to the Coronavirus, the Internet has become more than ever a daily companion. It is a source of a wide range of offers to satisfy requests, curiosities, information,…
Read MoreRacism versus justice, mercy and humility.
29 May 29, 2020 |Bern, St. Albans. [EUDnews, tedNEWS] The video #dearcoronavirus 11 addresses a current and burning issue.When the GAiN* Europe leadership team chose the subject of racism and discrimination for the 11th dearcoronavirus video clip, they had no idea of the horrific headline that would appear near the top of this week’s news…
Read MoreWords of Hope 11 shares joy, thankfulness and opportunity
28 May 2020 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] If you want real thanks, then look to the children. Trans-European Division office staff have discovered that ‘office zoom worship’ has sometimes turned into ‘family worship’ as young children snuggle up to parents during worship time. Those staff children have now created a montage of thankfulness –…
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