“Dear Coronavirus” Videos Circle the World
Adventist communication experts from different worldwide church divisions work together to share messages of hope through a series of 12 #DearCoronavirus videos shown globally on social media/viewing platforms.
Read MoreBert Smit, from ADRA-UK, appears in Leaders Council podcast, alongside Lord Blunkett.
6 August 2020 | Watford, UK [Cathy Boldeau] The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is currently in the process of talking to leadership figures from across the nation in an attempt to understand this universal trait and what it means in Britain and Northern Ireland today.
Read MorePrayer call for Beirut as church reaches out following devastating explosion
6 August 2020 | St Albans, UK [tedNEWS/ANN] Following a major explosion that killed at least 135 people and injured 4,000 more, citizens of the city of Beirut, Lebanon are left in shock and anger. The government has imposed a two-week state of emergency to help deal with the crisis following the blast caused by 2,750…
Read MoreThank you, Peter Bo
5 August 2020 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] Trans-European Division staff have said a ‘virtual’ farewell to Pathfinder Director Peter-Bo Bohsen as he completed his term of faithful, innovative and creative service on 31 July 2020. After enhancing Pathfinder skills across the TED, Bohsen has accepted a full-time position serving at the Adventist Junior College…
Read MoreTED helps Adventist Church garner one million signatures in support of education for all
29 July 2020 | St Albans, UK [ADRA / tedNEWS] Pathfinders, educators, pastors and thousands of church members across the Trans-European Division (TED) have joined with the World-wide Seventh-day Adventist Church and its global humanitarian arm, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), to sign a petition in support of Every child. Everywhere. In school.
Read MoreIn the United Kingdom, Lockdown Increases Pathfinders’ E-Honours Offerings
Since the beginning of the lockdown in 2020, Pathfinder Clubs have increased eHonours training options, including such skills as Podcasting, Media Broadcast Ministry, and Mobile Technology.
Read MoreFeeling good, doing good
Where do happiness and joy come from? 20 July 2020 | Brussels, Belgium [Maja Ahac] One of the most important decisions you will make in your life is the decision about happiness and joy. What we usually hear is that each of us needs to pursue happiness because this is the true meaning and purpose of life.
Read MoreVolunteerism, history and perseverance: Words of Hope 14
16 July 2020 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] Volunteerism and community have never been more important than in 2020. Trans-European Division President Raafat Kamal has been so inspired by one local project that, together with his wife, Heidi, he now spends his ‘out of office’ time there. We ask him why that inspires him.
Read MoreEverybody’s welcome!
Making newcomers feel at home in church means everything. 14 July 2020 | St Albans, UK [Karen Holford] The sudden English rainfall was so heavy I couldn’t see where I was going. I finally arrived at the small guesthouse soaking wet, plastered in mud, and fighting back tears of exhaustion and frustration.
Read MoreBreaking Solidarity – Feeling we belong
13 July 2020 | Watford, UK [Jacques Venter] Jacques Venter is a white South African who grew up during the apartheid era. He confesses that he has had much to learn as well as to unlearn, both from his time in South Africa, and since then as a pastor working in the United Kingdom. Pastor Venter…
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