Managing Time
16 July 2012 The Netherlands [Wim Altink] Are we managing time or is time managing us? Are we in command of our schedule of activities or are the duties pushing and commanding us?
Read MoreActs of Kindness Make a Difference in Outreach in Poland
12 July 2012 St. Albans, United Kingdom [Janos Kovacs-Biro, tedNEWS] During the first week of July 2012 Adventist young people assessed the needs of the inhabitants of the Polish town Podkowa Lesna. They found out where people are and what type of needs they have. After prayerful consideration and using their creativity, the Adventist youth…
Read MoreEuropean Pastors United to Make God Known
12 July 2012 St. Albans, United Kingdom [Miroslav Pujic, tedNEWS] The Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (TED) based in St. Albans, United Kingdom, will hold the European Pastors’ Conference (EPC) from 21-26 August 2012 in Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia. This gathering of all the division’s pastors and their spouses will be for spiritual growth,…
Read MoreLIFEconnect 2012 Camera Relay
12 July 2012 Watford, United Kingdom [Andrew Willis, tedNEWS] For seven weeks the Olympic torch has been travelling around the United Kingdom. Along the relay route communities have come together to celebrate the individuals carrying the torch. When the flame is lit at the opening ceremony on the 27th July attention will be focused on…
Read MoreShort Term Mission Trip
Get involved in an exciting short term mission opportunity to Estonia. The Trans-European Division Youth, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS) departments are coordinating the first annual short term mission trip in September, 2012. Participants this year will be involved in a church construction project in Jõhvi, Estonia. Construction and…
Read MoreOlympic Adventist Roundup – UK Style
05 July 2012 London, UK [Victor Hulbert/Colin Stewart] With the Olympic torch currently being carried across the UK in the run-up to the commencement of the London 2012 Games, Seventh-day Adventists are joining in the excitement and enjoying the opportunity to witness. Special books have been published, events planned and church halls opened to the…
Read MoreMark Finley Returns to Belgrade
28 June 2012 Belgrade, Serbia [Marija Trajkovska, tedNEWS] Pastor Mark Finley and his wife, Ernestine, met with two hundred pastors in Belgrade, Serbia from 19-23 June 2012 to share their insights and experiences of evangelising in a postmodern society. They had a one-day field school with the pastors, elders and other church leaders from the…
Read MoreImproving and Growing Yourself to Improve, Grow and Serve Your Church Organisation
28 June 2012 Bracknell, UK [Philip R Brown] In The Twelve Absolutes of Leadership Gary Burnison recounts the story of a farmer whose donkey fell into a well. The farmer frantically thought about what he could do as the stricken animal cried out to be rescued. With no obvious solution, the farmer regretfully concluded that…
Read MoreThe Art of Leadership – Some Reflections
28 June 2012 St Albans, UK [Bertil Wiklander] A colleague recently reminded me of Peter Drucker’s distinction between management and leadership: ‘Management is doing things right – Leadership is doing the right things.’ It made me think again of the real nature of leadership. What helps us know how to do the right things? See…
Read MoreAdventist Church Celebrates 20 Years of Official Work in Albania
16 June 2012 Tirana, Albania [Julian Kastrati, tedNEWS] The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Albania celebrated the 20th anniversary of its offical work in the country. Although Adventist presence dates back to the 1930s, the first church was organised in Tirana in the spring of 1992. This was a result of the evangelistic meetings held by…
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