Re-Opening of Keough House at Newbold College
12 September 2012 Bracknell, United Kingdom [Newbold College] On Sunday afternoon 2 September Dr Bertil Wiklander (Chairman, Newbold College Board of Governors) and Dr Philip Brown (Principal, Newbold College) unveiled a plaque to celebrate the much anticipated official re-opening of Keough House (Men’s Hall of Residence) on the Newbold College campus. Following this unveiling, a…
Read MoreHope for Healing in Hungary
30 August 2012 Pécel, Hungary [tedNEWS] On Wednesday 29th August 2012, leaders from the Christian Advent Community (KERAK), Hungarian Union Conference (HUC) and the Trans-European Division (TED) met at the headquarters of the Adventist Church in Pécel, Hungary. The meeting took place as a response to a request by Pastor János Cserbik, the newly elected…
Read MoreStatement on Women’s Ordination to the Pastoral Ministry
Presented at the TED European Pastors' Conference 25 August 2012 Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia [Bertil Wiklander, tedNEWS] The Trans-European Division is a division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It means that TED follows General Conference policy, except in cases where we request and are given permission to apply a variance to the common world-church…
Read More“Let us Make God Known in Europe”
25 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Victor Hulbert, tedNEWS] Five days, countless sermons, workshops and conversations. Has it made a difference? Are European pastors now more prepared for 'Making God known'? They were certainly positive about the five days of meetings, praising both the organisation and the varied content of the event. In the extreme heat of the…
Read More“Is there Bread in the House of Bread?”
Presented by Artur Stele 25 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Julian Hibbert , tedNEWS] A really good-sized crowd turned out to listen to Artur Stele, a General Conference vice-president, in spite of soaring Slovenian temperatures and a failing air-conditioning system in the auditorium. “What an awesome task we have, to make God known in post-modern, secular Europe,” were Artur…
Read More“Experiencing God’s Love”
25 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [John Surridge, tedNEWS] In contrast to the busyness of the discussion groups, dramatic performers and assorted platform party members who occupied the stage area for most of the morning, during the sermon time Pastor Wintley Phipps stood on his own. It takes an unusual talent to fill a stage, particularly as large…
Read More“The Grace and the Change”
25 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [John Surridge, tedNEWS] Sabbath School morphed seamlessly into the divine service as the EPC organisers worked to bring the programme forward and spare the pastors and visitors in the packed marquee the discomfort of rapidly rising temperatures. The scene was set by the third and concluding installment of a drama portraying the…
Read MoreLost in Our Own Ministry?
25 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Kirsten Oster Lindquist, tedNEWS] Saturday morning started with powerful praise and worship. The pastors, their spouses and lots of local visitors packed the tent to exalt God. Pastor David Shalom opened the Sabbath morning programme, by praying in Hebrew. Then another segment of the previous night’s drama of the prodigal “sons” raised…
Read More“Welcome Back Home, You are Forgiven”
Presented by Mark Finley 24 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Victor Hulbert tedNEWS] Friday night is always very special at an event like this. 1,200 ministers and their spouses, 22 countries, many languages, but all in communion together. This was worship at its best. Multi-media, music and the spoken word skillfully crafted together. A male trio rendition of…
Read MoreHoliday from Stress?
24 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Julian Hibbert, tedNEWS] Friends and church members back home tease us that ministers are on holiday here in Slovenia, yet the overall results from the health tests run during the conference indicate that a holiday is just what they need. According to Elsie Staple, Health Ministries Director for the South England Conference,…
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