450 Anniversary of the First Croatian New Testament
28 November 2013 | Zagreb, Croatia [Dragutin Matak, tedNEWS] On 26 October 2013, just a few days before the Protestant Reformation Day, a transliteration of the first Croatian New Testament was presented at a celebration ceremony at the University of Zagreb. The celebration marked the 450th anniversary of this landmark publication, which was completed in Urach,…
Read More100 Years on Cyprus
28 November 2013 | Nicosia, Cyprus [Audrey Andersson, tedNEWS] He was not the typical missionary. A refugee from Antioch, Moses Boursalian, an Armenian comb maker arrived in Cyprus 100 years ago. Moses and his family initially let their lives do the preaching as they became the first Seventh-day Adventists to settle on the island. It was…
Read MoreGoing Beyond Normal to Make God Known in Europe
21 November 2013 | St Albans, England [tedNEWS Staff] Ninety-six delegates from the eleven Unions and three attached Fields, which constitute the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European region (TED), met from 15-20 November in Be?i?i, Montenegro. The theme of the Annual Council was 'Making God Known in Europe – Go Beyond Normal'.
Read MoreThe Church in Europe challenged to ‘Go Beyond Normal’
25 November 2013 | Be?i?i, Montenegro [Kärt Vahtramäe, tedNEWS] The Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (TED) organised a conference entitled ‘Go Beyond Normal: Making God Known in Europe’ which took place in Be?i?i, Montenegro from 12-14 November 2013. The purpose of the conference was to start a journey for the participants to deepen their understanding about…
Read MoreAdventists Respond to Haiyan Typhoon Disaster
14 November 2013 | Watford, United Kingdom [Victor Hulbert, BUC News] In a video to be shown in Adventist churches across the UK and Ireland this weekend, Pastor Ian Sweeney, President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church expresses his emotion at seeing the TV pictures following the destruction and loss of life caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the…
Read MoreTED Executive Committee recommends inclusive ministry without gender distinctions
18 November 2013 | Be?i?i, Montenegro [tedNEWS staff] At its 2013 Annual Council the Trans-European Division Executive Committee received and discussed a Report on the Theology of Ordination prepared by the TED Biblical Research Committee. The Report is extensive and comprises 730 pages. It responds to a large number of questions regarding ordination which have been put…
Read MoreThe One Project at Newbold College
7 November 2013 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Kirsten Øster-Lundqvist, BUC News] The One project, a gathering of Adventists that focuses on the primacy of Jesus in their lives, has hit Britain for the first time in its three-year history. The weekend of 1-3 November saw almost 200 people gathered at Newbold College to dialogue, listen and refocus on…
Read MoreNewly Elected TED Treasurer
24 October 2013 | St Albans, United Kingdom [Audrey Andersson, tedNEWS] After almost 10 years as treasurer at the Trans-European Division (TED), Jóhann E Jóhannsson accepted a call in June 2013 to serve as treasurer in the Norwegian Union. At the recent General Conference Annual Council, Nenad Jepuranovi? was elected as the new TED Treasurer. Nenad has a…
Read More‘Go Beyond Normal’ Conference
23 October 2013 | St Albans, United Kingdom [Miroslav Pujic, tedNEWS] Have you ever felt discouraged at the immense challenge of sharing the gospel to a postmodern world? Frustrated that so many people just don`t seem to be interested in Christianity anymore? Disappointed with the ‘fresh techniques’ for witnessing that seem to water down the gospel truth?…
Read MoreThe end is just the beginning at Brixton’s ‘Mission to the Cities’ programme
22 October 2013 | London, United Kingdom [Katie Ramharacksingh/BUC news] Brixton church hosted their last 'Mission to the Cities' service, celebrating five baptisms and the start of a new initiative for outreach, on Saturday, 19 October 2013. "I really think Brixton has impacted the community with the ways they've reached out", commented Keith Boldeau, pastor of the nearby Balham…
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