Newbold College Award Ceremony 2014

Newbold College Award Ceremony 2014

26 June 2014 I Bracknell, United Kingdom [Judith Makaniankhndo, tedNEWS] On Sunday 15 June, Newbold College of Higher Education welcomed guests from around the world to witness the academic success of 35 students at the 2014 Newbold Award Ceremony. Graduating student Melissa Myklebust was joined by her grandfather, Finn Myklebust who graduated from Newbold exactly…

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Balkan Floods: ADRA in Action to Help People

29 May 2014 I St Albans, United Kingdom [Miroslav Pujic, tedNEWS] Severe flooding across Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia has prompted the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people, and caused more than 50 deaths and thousands of homes destroyed.  Concerns have been expressed by Bosnia and Serbia over the possibility of disease being spread by…

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The Worst Floods in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia Since Records Began

20 May 2014 Belgrade, Serbia [Miroslav Puji?, tedNEWS] Three months' worth of rain fell on the region in just a few days, causing rivers to burst their banks and sweep into people's homes in Serbia, Bosnia and Eastern Croatia. States of emergency have been declared in parts of Bosnia and Serbia after the heaviest rain and worst…

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Newbold College of Higher Education Appoints New Principal

12 May 2014 I Bracknell, United Kingdom [Kirsty Watkins, tedNEWS] Newbold’s Board of Governors appointed Dr John Baildam to the position of Principal at its Spring meeting on Sunday, 11 May 2014. Dr Baildam will commence in this role on Tuesday, 17 June 2014. Dr Baildam has served the College for over 30 years in a number…

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Reaching out beyond church walls: Jesus7 in Ireland

24th April 2014 I Dublin, Ireland [Weiers Coetser, BUC News] Belfast Adventist church looked startlingly different to both pedestrians and motorists during the week starting 13 April 2014. The normal, neat parking area was transformed into a vibrant exhibition space. A marquee manned by friendly volunteers provided passers-by with a friendly encounter into the life of Jesus.…

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One Million Dollars for TED Thirteenth Sabbath Offering Projects – A NEW RECORD

2 April 2014 | St Albans, United Kingdom [Raafat Kamal, tedNEWS] It is with joy and a sense of awe that Dr Bertil Wiklander, President of the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (TED), received the good news that the TED Thirteenth Sabbath School Offering projects will be supported with one million dollars. Dr Gary Krause,…

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How Global Youth Day Impacted Young People in TED

24 March 2014 | St Albans, United Kingdom [Paul Tompkins, Kirsten Oster-Lundqvist and Steve Thomas] The Trans-European Division (TED) hosted two of the 22 worldwide live transmissions as part of Global Youth Day (GYD) on Saturday, 15th March 2014 from Vik, near Oslo and Newbold College, England. These transmissions were hosted by young people at both venues and…

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Festival Outreach in Hungary

20 March 2014 | Budapest, Hungary [Krisztián Ömböli, Judy Plaatjes/tedNEWS] Imagine 350,000 people from around Europe gathering in one place at one time. Imagine being among them, interacting with them. Perhaps you are the only Jesus they will ever meet.

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New Ellen White Encyclopedia Highlights Lifetime of Ministry

11 March 2014 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States [Mylon Medley/ANN] A recently released encyclopedia on the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s co-founder Ellen G. White gives an overview of her stance on numerous topics and offers an opportunity to dispel misconceptions on the life and literary influence of the denomination’s most known figure, publishers said. “The Ellen…

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Ten Best Bible Stories in the Netherlands

27 February 2014 | Meppel, The Netherlands [Rudy Dingjan and Judy Plaatjes, tedNEWS] Most people in the Netherlands know something about the Bible and have a favourite story they can recall from childhood.  So in 2013, nine Christian denominations, including the local Seventh-day Adventist church, in Meppel, Netherlands decided to join hands and conduct a survey in…

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