Students complete Part I of the Certificate in Health and Wellness at Newbold

Students complete Part I of the Certificate in Health and Wellness at Newbold

21 August 2014 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Judith Makaniankhondo, tedNEWS] On Friday, 15 August 2014, the Certificate in Health and Wellness Students successfully completed their first five weeks of the programme at Newbold. The ten-week intensive course is scheduled to be completed in two summers.

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Heritage Singers in Belgrade

20 August 2014 | Belgrade, Serbia [Pavle Trajkovski, tedNEWS] Dreams don’t come true too often. And when they do, it is usually the result of hard work and a series of failures. But every once in a while, God blesses us with a gift that restores our faith in miracles.

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Wilson: No Room for Evolution as Truth in Adventist Schools

18 August 2014 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States [Andrew McChesney, Adventist Review] Seventh-day Adventist world church President Ted N. C. Wilson forcefully asserted that life has existed on the Earth for only a few thousand years, not millions of years, as he opened an educators conference in Utah on Friday, and he said teachers who…

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“More to Explore” TED Pathfinder Camporee

19 August 2014 | Ommen, The Netherlands [Paul Tompkins, tedNEWS] The 11th Trans-European Division (TED) Pathfinder Camporee took place in Ommen, Netherlands from 29 July - 5 August 2014. These camps are long anticipated by Pathfinders from around the Division and nearly 2,200 participants from 18 countries met at the Gilwell Ada's Hoeve campsite under the theme…

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Lest We Forget

30 July 2014 I Watford, United Kingdom [Victor Hulbert, BUC News] With giant-sized poppies on major roundabouts, Union flags flying along High Streets, and vigils and commemoration services arranged the length and breadth of the British Isles, the public are prepared for a major, sombre reminder of the 8.5 million who lost their lives during the…

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Modelling Jesus’ Caring Compassion at Great Commission and Laity Festival in Hungary

28 July 2014 St Albans, United Kingdom [Michael Hamilton, tedNEWS] Over three hundred-twenty Seventh-day Adventist members representing seventeen countries converged at the Ramada Hotel on the shores of the beautiful Lake Balaton in Hungary for the Trans-European Division's (TED) first joint Great Commission and Laity Festival from15–20 July 2014.

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Homeward Bound – Fond Memories of Albania

24 July 2014 I Tirana, Albania [Jennie Hall, tedNEWS] What an amazing time we have all had in Albania. We have been truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to come to, as Leslie says, this 'hidden treasure', Albania!

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Raafat Kamal Newly Elected President of the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Europe

10 July 2014 I St Albans, United Kingdom [Miroslav Puji?, tedNEWS] Pastor Raafat Kamal, 50, is the newly elected president of the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventists Church (TED), based in St Albans, United Kingdom. Kamal’s name was recommended by the TED Executive Committee on 27 June and elected by the General Conference Executive…

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Free public Health and Wellness lectures

Newbold to hold free public Health and Wellness lectures with Adventist health professionals The Certificate in Health and Wellness at Newbold College of Higher Education starts from 14 July – 15 August 2014. Did you want to enroll but are unable to take time off your summer schedule? We have news for you! We are…

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Certificate in Health and Wellness at Newbold Campus

14 July 2014 - 15 August 2014 Spend two five-week blocks of intensive study over two summers on the Newbold Campus, learning how to share positive Adventist Health Principles in the context of the local church.  For full details see poster below.

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