Budapest Meeting Concludes Women in Leadership Consultations

Budapest Meeting Concludes Women in Leadership Consultations

15 December 2015 | Budapest, Hungary [Patrick Johnson] Women in leadership across the south-eastern part of Europe have some strong but kindly advice for the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. During meetings at the Airport Hotel in Budapest, Hungary on Thursday, 3 December they called for four things: Invest in your women leaders,…

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Church Leaders Affirm Women in Ministry

29 October 2015 | Watford, United Kingdom [David Neal, BUC News] Pastor David Neal, Irish Mission President, joined with Church leaders from across the British Isles and the Trans-European Division (TED) leadership to affirm and support the courageous women who have dedicated their lives to various forms of ministry within the Church. This is his report:

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Newbold Students Distribute Aid at French Refugee Camp

3 December 2015 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Kirsty Watkins] A group of ten people travelled by minibus from Newbold College to volunteer at the migrant refugee camp in Dunkirk, France, on Sunday 29 November.

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Newbold Alumnus Jude Jeanville Joins Recruitment Team

3 December 2015 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Kirsty Watkins] Newbold College of Higher Eductation recently welcomed alumnus Pastor Jude Jeanville to its Recruitment, Marketing and Sales team. Pastor Jeanville, who graduated from Newbold in 1991, has 15 years' experience in ministerial and leadership positions in the North England Conference (NEC), has spent eight years as…

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TED Female Pastors Affirmation Meeting in Copenhagen

3 December 2015 | Copenhagen, Denmark [Anne-May Müller] Anne-May Müller reports on the second affirmation meeting between female pastors and Church leaders in the Trans-European Division.It may be dark and cold on a December morning in Copenhagen, Denmark, but when 36 women pastors meet, their enthusiasm and love both light up and warm the room…

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No Crib for a Bed!

3 December 2015 [Fabrice Baker-Livingstone, ADRA-International and ADRA Serbia] At one month old, Qamar has nowhere to call home. Her parents, Mustafa and Hala, are refugees who fled Syria to escape growing violence and the threat of terror that surrounded them. They had left their home in Damascus two months earlier. During their difficult journey, Hala…

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TED Affirms Women in Church Leadership

Tuesday, 17 November 2015 [Victor Hulbert] A choir, flowing through the rear doors of the hall and towards the platform, was a highly unusual start to morning worship and the business of the Trans-European Division Annual Council meetings on Tuesday, 17 November. The beautiful rendition of 'Live my Life for Love' was even more remarkable…

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Annual Council Elections Strengthen TED Team

Monday, 16 November 2015 | Bečići, Montenegro [tedNEWS] Four new names are to join the leadership team of the Trans-European Division (TED), voted at Annual Council meetings in Montenegro on Monday, 16 November 2015.Current British Union Conference Communication and Media director, Pastor Victor Hulbert has been invited to take the same role at the TED…

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TED Strategic Plan Designed to Connect, Inspire and Change

Sunday, 15 November 2015 | Bečići, Montenegro [Victor Hulbert] What do you do when you take over as leader for not only the smallest Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but one compounded with severe growth challenges in a highly secularised Europe? For Pastor Raafat Kamal, President of the Trans-European Division (TED), based in St…

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Pray for Paris. Pray for France

Saturday, 14 November 2015 | Bečići, Montenegro [Victor Hulbert] Leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church across the Trans-European Division (TED) stood in a minute of silence and solidarity with the people of Paris and France following the tragedy on Friday, 13 November that has left 129 dead and a further 350 reported injured.

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