Living in Hope

Living in Hope

Easter 2016 | St Albans, UK [tedNEWS]  What will make you want to wake up on the resurrection morning? When your last, pain filled moments were in a world of suffering, it may be the promise, "God will make all things new."

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Free Ski Lessons integrate refugee community

21 March 2016 | Nyhyttan, Sweden [Göran Hansen/tedNEWS]  When members of a small Adventist Church in Nyhyttan, Sweden, discovered that they would shortly become neighbours to refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Eritrea, they decided to become the 'good neighbour' these new arrivals to Sweden would need.

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Sweden votes credential change for pastors

16 March 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert]  On Sunday, 13 March the Executive Committee of the Swedish Union of Churches of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted that it will cease to ordain pastors. Under their proposal all pastors will ultimately receive a 'nationell befogenhet' (commissioned minister credential).

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Spreading real love on Valentine’s Day

16 March 2016 | Novi Sad, Serbia/Dunkirk, France [tedNEWS with Adrijana Grujić] At opposite ends of Europe two groups of people went out of their way to make a significant difference on Valentine's Day, 14 February.

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Strong women – strong world: Newbold’s March Diversity Lecture

8 March 2016 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson] With Tuesday, 8 March being International Women's Day it seemed appropriate that 'The Impact of Disasters on Women' was the title for the evening March Diversity Lecture at Newbold College.

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Civil Protection award for ADRA Slovenia

10 March 2016 | Ljubljana, Slovenia [AdraSloveniaPress]  ADRA Slovenia has been awarded a Civil Protection National Bronze Medallion by the government for its outstanding and ongoing work during the current European refugee crisis. The award was presented by the Ministry of Defence/Civil Protection during a ceremony on World Civil Defence day, Tuesday, 1 March 2016.

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How to GAiN at a World Conference

6 March 2016 | Silver Spring, MD, United States [Victor Hulbert with Sam Davies] Communication, IT and Media specialists from around the Adventist World converged on Seventh-day Adventist World Church headquarters in Silver Springs, Maryland, for a series of meetings between 24 February and 5 March. The two weeks of meetings included special advisories for the…

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Newbold focuses on inclusivity during Week of Spiritual Emphasis

2 March 2016 | Binfield, UK [Judith Makaniankhondo and Kirsty Watkins]  Five alumnus returned to Newbold last week to speak about inclusivity in ministry during Newbold's Week of Spiritual Emphasis. Drawing on themes of friendship and unity, their own personal journeys as students, and their experiences as pastors, they spoke about how the inclusivity of…

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Andrea Luxton named President of Andrews University

1 March 2016 | Berrien Springs, MI, United States [Andrew McChesney, Adventist Review/tedNEWS]  Andrea Luxton has been named as the next president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church's flagship Andrews University, offering what colleagues call a stellular track record in leadership as she joins a growing number of female presidents at Adventist institutions of higher education.

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Fuelled up or burning out?

23 February 2016 | St Albans, UK [Karen Holford] "Are we trying to save the world in our own strength?" That was the question Dr Torben Bergland asked during a presentation to Trans-European Division office staff on Tuesday, 23 February. He emphasised that God is doing the work of saving the world, and "He has…

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