Fitness Day in Nicosia municipal park
6 June 2016 | Nicosia, Cyprus [Marica Mirilov] A free one-day medical clinic in the heart of Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus attracted around 200 participants. Run by Seventh-day Adventist church members in the municipal park, Sunday strollers and some 150 relaxed inhabitants were tested, registered and given advice on weight, sugar level and blood…
Read MoreInterpreting love
6 June 2016 | Petra refugee camp, Greece [Victor Hulbert with Corrado Cozzi] Meet Lina Shalabi. She works for ADRA Serbia as an interpreter at Petra refugee camp on the foothills of Mount Olympus, Greece. She provides translation services in the medical centre for 1,000 Yazidis - 480 of them children. She is there because she cares.
Read MoreYazidi refugees between a rock and a hard place
2 June 2016 | Katerini, Greece [Victor Hulbert with Corrado Cozzi] ADRA team members are working hard to help Yazidi refugees based in a remote refugee camp on the foothills of Mount Olympus in Northern Greece. Stuck in the country since the northern boarders closed, some 1,000 refugees who fled danger and persecution in Iraq and…
Read MoreSigma Beta Delta Chapter launched at Newbold
26 May 2016 | Binfield, UK [Kirsty Watkins] The Newbold College of Higher Education Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta was launched earlier this month, welcoming its first five student members.
Read MoreDanish Union Session focuses on Sharing, Stewardship and Fellowship
27 May 2016 | Himmerlandsgården, Denmark [Anne-May Müller] It is an annual tradition for Danish Seventh-day Adventists. During the ascension-day weekend they meet at their Himmerlandsgården camp ground in the north of the country for camp meeting. In addition to worship and fellowship, this year they also had business to attend to, since the Union…
Read MoreJoão Martins appointed to lead ADRA Europe
26 May 2016 | EUD & TED offices [Corrado Cozzi / Victor Hulbert] João Martins is to serve as Adventist Development and Relief Agency Europe director (ADRA Europe) following recommendations from both the Inter-European Division (EUD) and Trans-European Division (TED) Spring Meetings.
Read MoreFound, lost, and found again
25 May 2016 | St Albans [Victor Hulbert] This article first appeared in the TED Friendship edition of Adventist World, May 2016. Even for a committed Christian, life can be dangerous when you look to the dark side. Lutz Rental can testify. Brought up in an atheist home in Germany's Rhineland, Lutz nevertheless discovered a…
Read MorePolyphony of unity manifest at TED Spring Meetings
25 May 2016 | Binfield, UK [Victor Hulbert] The headline may sound very profound – but the purpose is simple. With 15 presidents representing 22 countries with diverse cultures, languages and perspectives, how can the leadership of the Trans-European Division follow Christ's desire that 'they may all be one'. (John 17:21)
Read MoreA right royal advisory
24 May 2016 | Weybridge, England [Victor Hulbert] What does it take to make you feel like royalty? For Union officers and department directors from across the Trans-European Division it might have been the knowledge that their hotel home during the TED advisory meetings, 16 – 19 May, was built by King Henry VIII for…
Read MoreCyprus Adventists unite across divided border
23 May 2016 | Nicosia, Cyprus [Marica Mirilov] Members and friends of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cyprus were reminded to bring their passports to worship on Sabbath, 23 April 2016. The border of the last divided city in the world was crossed and more than 200 Sabbath-keepers were united across the border, from the…
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