Being more Christian leads to school success in Finland
3 October 2016 | Tampere, Finland [Victor Hulbert] A struggling school with as few as 14 students has been transformed into a vibrant success story by enhancing its Christian credentials. Parents who send their children to the Seventh-day Adventist Christian School just outside Tampere, Finland, understand that their children will get both a first class…
Read MoreAdventist Addicts Analysed
28 September 2016 | St Albans, England [Victor Hulbert] Torben Bergland launched a surprise attack on Trans-European office staff at a special presentation on Tuesday, 20 September. As Health Ministries director for the TED, and as a qualified psychiatrist and psychotherapist, he pointed out that, according to the NHS UK Livewell website, 1 in 3…
Read MoreMulti-site outreach impacts London
26 September 2016 | London, England [Andrew McChesney, AR/Natasha Mirilov, SEC/tedNEWS] A multi-location evangelistic outreach across London and the South East of England has resulted in 87 baptisms, hundreds more contacts, and even the conversion of a woman was preparing to be a high priestess for Satan. She hated Seventh-day Adventist evangelist John Lomacang.
Read MoreStill active at 120 – Latvia celebrates
22 September 2016 | Riga, Latvia [Victor Hulbert] A church which started as the forerunner of Adventism in the Russian Empire celebrated its 120th birthday this past weekend with a mixture of worship, history, an ordination service and an inspiring musical concert. In 1914 a German colporteur, Gerhard Perk, headed north to Latvia. He was…
Read MoreWatford Peace Garden a living tribute to those who ‘stand for right though the heavens fall’
21 September 2016 | Watford, UK [Richard Daly/tedNEWS] A circular garden, lit at night, with seating in tranquil surroundings and a three tier fountain as centrepiece is now a national memorial and living tribute to all those who have stood for peace in wars past and present.
Read MoreLatvian engineer ditches career to run ‘business evangelism’ health store
19 September 2016 | Riga, Latvia [Andrew McChesney/AR] Valdis Zelčs, a millennial in Latvia, felt dejected after strangers showed little interest in his street invitations to attend health expos and other Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic events. So he began to pray for an alternative to knocking on apartment doors and stopping people on the street in…
Read MorePolish football player becomes an accidental evangelist because of the Sabbath
15 September, 2016 | Riga, Latvia [Andrew McChesney/AR] People have called Dariusz Ginda foolish and worse for turning down a nearly $500,000-a-year football contract in Poland. Ginda, a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist, said he does not enter into controversy over his decision to keep the Sabbath rather than play in the premier league.
Read MorePrayer and faith stop rain at pathfinder camporee in Latvia
19 September 2016 | Riga, Latvia [Andrew McChesney/AR] Rain risked ruining the biggest day of the year for Latvia’s Pathfinders. Fifteen minutes remained until the annual Pathfinder camporee was to open with a pomp-filled ceremony last July. But a downpour was drenching the campground as Pathfinders huddled in tents with non-Adventist friends, younger children from…
Read MoreStories of Faithfulness as Latvia Celebrates 120 Years of Adventism
16 September 2016 | Riga, Latvia [Andrew McChesney /AR/ tedNEWS] Over the weekend of 16 and 17 September, Latvia’s 4,000 Adventists are remembering their heritage and looking to the future as they review their 120-year history. In a weekend filled with music, memories, and even an ordination service of two pastoral families, three stories, from…
Read MoreDrago Mojzes to lead Church in Adriatic Union
16 September 2016 | Zageb, Croatia [Neven Klačmer / tedNEWS] Pastor Drago Mojzes was elected president of the Adriatic Union of Churches at a specially convened session of the AUC Executive committee on Friday, 16 September. For the past three years he has served as President of the Croatian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.…
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