“We are God’s hands” in Europe’s refugee crisis

“We are God’s hands” in Europe’s refugee crisis

06 April 2016 | Hegyeshalom, Hungary [Victor Hulbert] ADRA workers in Hungary speak of their "souls weeping" at the sight of desperate refugees.

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Polish president tells Adventists, “God is always the most important”

30 March 2016 | Warsaw, Poland [Daniel Maikowski and Andrzej Siciński] Seventh-day Adventist leaders in Poland recently met with the country's President and First Lady to give them an Adventist 'VIP package'.

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European Adventists grieve for their Pakistani brothers

28 March 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert]  Leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division (TED) have said special prayers for those affected by the Lahore bombing on Sunday, 27 March.

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Global Youth Day impacts the world and the TED

23 March 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert with Adventist Review]  Just two days before Europe found itself mourning the senseless loss of life in the Brussels attacks, hundreds of thousands of Seventh-day Adventist young people across the world spent 24 hours positively sharing life with those around them. Among them, were youth in…

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Responding to the Brussels attacks

22 March 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] Once again the world has been hit by tragedy with the 22 March attacks on Brussels Zaventem airport and a nearby metro station leaving more than 30 people dead and many more injured.

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New Health Programmes target audiences in Croatia, Scandinavia & the UK

22 March 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert]  Christ like healing is one of the six major priorities outlined within the strategic plan of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. Three media centres within the Trans-European Division are taking that health priority very seriously with several new series of programmes being released this Easter.

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Living in Hope

Easter 2016 | St Albans, UK [tedNEWS]  What will make you want to wake up on the resurrection morning? When your last, pain filled moments were in a world of suffering, it may be the promise, "God will make all things new."

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Free Ski Lessons integrate refugee community

21 March 2016 | Nyhyttan, Sweden [Göran Hansen/tedNEWS]  When members of a small Adventist Church in Nyhyttan, Sweden, discovered that they would shortly become neighbours to refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Eritrea, they decided to become the 'good neighbour' these new arrivals to Sweden would need.

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Sweden votes credential change for pastors

16 March 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert]  On Sunday, 13 March the Executive Committee of the Swedish Union of Churches of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted that it will cease to ordain pastors. Under their proposal all pastors will ultimately receive a 'nationell befogenhet' (commissioned minister credential).

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Spreading real love on Valentine’s Day

16 March 2016 | Novi Sad, Serbia/Dunkirk, France [tedNEWS with Adrijana Grujić] At opposite ends of Europe two groups of people went out of their way to make a significant difference on Valentine's Day, 14 February.

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