Newbold Celebrates 30 Years of Business Graduates, Dedicates Classrooms
1 December 2016 | Binfield, UK [Kirsty Watkins] Students, staff and special guests gathered at a special ceremony on Friday, 25 November, to dedicate newly renovated classrooms used primarily by Newbold’s School of Business, and to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the first graduates from the College’s Business programme.
Read MoreFamily Ministries ‘Fully Alive’ in Montenegro
29 November 2016 | Bečići, Montenegro [Karen Holford] Every year family ministry leaders from all over the Trans-European Division come together for a Family Ministry Leaders’ Training event (formerly CFLE) to learn, discover new ideas, share their experiences, and form lifelong friendships. Various modules are covered during several years of training events. This year the…
Read MoreHacksaw Ridge opens unprecedented witnessing opportunities in Central Europe
24 November 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert with Michal Rakowski and Robert Csizmadia] Karolina and Monika, from Krakow, Poland have spent a lot of time this last month at their local cinema. Recently baptised teenage twins, you will find them there, dressed in World-War II look-alike T-shirts similar to the uniform Desmond Doss…
Read MoreFaith in the Real World
22 November 2016 | Warsaw, Poland [Victor Hulbert] Anna Samusionek, Dariusz Ginda and Daniel Kluska come from three very different backgrounds. An actress, a footballer and a teenage rebel, all they really have in common is that they are Polish – and that they are vibrant Seventh-day Adventists.
Read More50 commit to Christ during Newbold mission trip to Brazil
17 November 2016 | Binfield, UK [Kirsty Watkins] Nine members of the Newbold community joined colleagues and lay members from the South England Conference (SEC) on a two-week mission trip to Brazil, 15 October - 1 November.
Read MoreJoint worship and Sabbath memories in Montenegro
17 November 2016 | Bečići, Montenegro [Natasha Mirilov] The Trans-European Division (TED) leaders and South England Conference (SEC) workers, ministers and directors shared a Sabbath together in Bečići, Montenegro on Friday and Saturday, 11-12 November 2016.
Read MoreTED Year-end Meetings ‘a family gathering’
16 November 2016 | Bečići, Montenegro [Victor Hulbert] Warm smiles, big hugs and plenty of chatter clearly indicate that Year-end Meetings in the Trans-European Division are far more than ‘just for business’. As Executive Committee members arrive in the low-cost splendour of an off-peak holiday resort in Montenegro, friendships are renewed, deep conversations are shared,…
Read MoreTED seek unity within diversity of cultures and perspectives
14 November 2016 | Bečići, Montenegro [Victor Hulbert] Leaders in the Trans-European Division are united in mission. Watch them in discussions at the dinner table or in committee during their Year-end Meetings in Bečići, Montenegro, and you will see a positive exchange of ideas in progress. Together they are looking for positive ways to share…
Read MoreNorwegian members’ ADRA fundraising initiatives
10 November 2016 | Vik, Norway [Tor Tjeransen/tedNEWS] For Scandinavia ADRA annual appeal time comes in the autumn. Norwegian Adventists take to it with enthusiasm – from door-to-do collections by students at Tyrifjord Junior college to car boot and book sales. Whatever method they use, the aim is to raise funds to help those in…
Read MoreChristianity and Politics: A Challenging Conversation
9 November 2016 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson] In the wake of Brexit and a week before the American election, the November Diversity lecturer on Tuesday, 1 November, focused on the challenge to Christians to think about the political implications of their faith. The whole career of Nick Spencer, now Acting Director of Christian think tank…
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