Reflecting on the International Day of Happiness

Reflecting on the International Day of Happiness

20 March 2017 | St Albans, UK [Alan Redfern]  Welcome to the International Day of Happiness.   Really – this is the official designation of today by the United Nations.   Fortunately, happiness is not compulsory.  

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Retired Swedish pastor marks over 80 years of fundraising for the needy

20 March 2017 | Sweden [Marcos Paseggi, Senior Correspondent, Adventist Review]  A retired Seventh-day Adventist pastor has been raising money for the needy for over 80 years in Sweden, most of that time to support Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) projects around the world. Evert Johansson, who will turn 95 next month still goes…

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Swedish SAT test change to benefit Adventist and Jewish students

17 March 2017 | Stockholm, Sweden [Rainer Refsbäck]  On Thursday, 9 March, Swedish Radio news and other media highlighted that the small Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sweden is behind the change in how the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (SweSAT) will be administered. Beginning in 2018 the test will be offered alternately on Sunday and Saturday,…

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Ministerial Mentoring in the Baltics

16 March 2017 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert]  How do you really know what ministers need? For Patrick Johnson, Trans-European Division Ministerial Association secretary, the answer is simple: get alongside them. Last week, 5 – 10 March, he did exactly that, accompanied by TED president, Raafat Kamal.

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Reidar Kvinge leaves Norwegian Union Presidency for evangelism

15 March 2017 | Røyse, Norway [Tor Tjeransen]  Pastor Reidar J Kvinge announced today that he is resigning as president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Norway. However, there is nothing dramatic in the reason for pastor Kvinge’s resignation even though his decision to resign came as a total surprise to most employees of the union.

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Free speech for Christians in a secular world

8 March 2017 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson]  The March Diversity Lecture at Newbold College on Tuesday, 7 March, focused on a subject dear to the hearts of Seventh-day Adventists – religious liberty. Dr David Landrum, Director of Advocacy at the Evangelical Alliance spoke about the development of contemporary ideas about free speech and the…

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TED Mission Focus as world-wide Church growth tops 20 million

8 March 2017 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert with Andrew McChesney/Adventist Mission]  “A major drive to engage every church member in Total Member Involvement (TMI) has helped propel the Seventh-day Adventist Church past 20 million members for the first time in its history,” states Andrew McChesney, writing for Adventist Mission.

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TED Health Ministries department expands and recruits new team member

7 March 2017 | St Albans, UK [tedNEWS]  Recognising the importance of health and wellbeing within the context of European Adventism the Health Ministries department is expanding its programme across the Trans-European Division. This is a result of a newly formed collaboration between Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing in Australia and the TED.

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Lifetime achievement award for Professor Jenő Szigeti

2 March 2017 | Budapest, Hungary [Imre Tokics]  In recognition of Professor Jenő Szigeti’s 50 years of service, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hungary presented him with a Lifetime Achievement Award at Budapest Central Adventist church on Sabbath, 25 February 2017.

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Norwegian teachers keeping God in the classroom

21 February 2017 | Sundvolden, Norway [Widar Ursett]  Adventist teachers from across Norway met at Sundvolden, 6 – 8 February to learn the skills of sharing their faith within a world of globalisation, postmodernism and consumerism.

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