Teetering on the Edge

Teetering on the Edge

1 January 2018 | St Albans, UK [David Neal] Commentary.  Ingram Pinn’s FT illustration of the week, picturing the globe teetering on the edge of an abyss, got TED Stewardship director, David Neal pondering on 1 Thessalonians 5:20 as we step gingerly into 2018: “Do Not Despise Prophecies.”

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Death of Adel and Najwa Kamal

26 December 2017 | St Albans [tedNEWS]  We are saddened to receive news today of the deaths of Adel and Najwa Kamal, the much loved parents of Pastor Raafat Kamal, president of the Trans-European Division.

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Couples “Team up!” in the Netherlands

21 December 2017 | Huis ter Heide, the Netherlands [Madelon Comvalius with Karen Holford] How do you deal with showing love, communicating, working through your conflicts, and surviving all the different seasons in your relationship? On 9 December 2017, Karen and Bernie Holford came to the Netherlands Couples’ Day, entitled “Team up!”, and shared their…

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A future for Adventist Education in Europe?

13 November 2017 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] Raafat Kamal is used to thinking outside the box. It is part of president’s job to be visionary. He also needs to stimulate a vision in others. Sometimes that can be challenging and asking him about education is case in point.

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Sparkling moments and seasonal greetings from the TED

13 December 2017 [Raafat Kamal /tedNEWS] How do you reflect on a year that has seen BREXIT, currency fluctuations, terrorist attacks and sexual scandals? Pay too much attention to the news headlines and the world is a depressing place.

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Cyprus Captures the Spirit of Reformation

12 December 2017 | Nicosia, Cyprus [Marica Mirilov] Multiple surprises were in store for the organisers of Reformation 500 celebrations in Cyprus. The Seventh-day Adventist Church community in Cyprus took the initiative to commemorate the event, but were astonished at the way islanders connected with the project, by attending the event, and actively searching for…

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Reformation events take centre stage in Serbia

11 November 2017 | Belgrade, Serbia [Alma Bosnić / Dragan Grujičić] Đorđe Trajkovski, President, and Dragan Grujičić, Education director for the South-East European Union Conference (SEEUC), were among dignitaries who attended two Reformation 500 conferences in the Serbian capital, Belgrade.

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God at the Oslo Book Festival

27 November 2017 | Oslo, Norway [Tor Tjeransen]  The Norwegian Publishing House placed God centre stage at the Oslo Book Festival, 10-12 November when they presented two books, Ærlig talt, Gud (Honestly, God!) by pastor Harald Giesebrecht and Luther 500 by pastor Tor Tjeransen.

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Nordic Deans focus on counselling for 3-day seminar

24 November 2017 | Ekebyholm, Sweden [Peter Bo Bohsen]  The stunning setting of Ekebyholm Adventist boarding school, a 400-year-old castle, provided a serene background for three days of Nordic Deans’ Meetings, 7 – 9 November 2017

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European Facilitators trained in ‘Journey to wholeness’

23 November 2017 | Huis Ter Heide, the Netherlands [Netherlands Union Communication dept.] We are all hurting and broken. We are all looking for healing. “I dream of a church where anyone can go, with all his or her brokenness, to find that he or she is overwhelmed by love and support,” states Rudy Dingjan, Church…

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