British Adventists host Reformation 500 Celebration Weekend

<p>23 August 2017 | Watford, UK [Richard Daly] Stanborough Park, the headquarters estate of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the UK and Ireland was transformed on the weekend of 11 – 13 August 2017. In a major celebration of 500 years of the Protestant Reformation, spearheaded by the British Union Conference (BUC) Evangelism department, the event saw a co-ordinated programme involving all departments of the BUC working together.&nbsp;</p>

News August 23, 2017

23 August 2017 | Watford, UK [Richard Daly] Stanborough Park, the headquarters estate of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the UK and Ireland was transformed on the weekend of 11 – 13 August 2017. In a major celebration of 500 years of the Protestant Reformation, spearheaded by the British Union Conference (BUC) Evangelism department, the event saw a co-ordinated programme involving all departments of the BUC working together. 

The event received tremendous support from church members, but more importantly, from the local community. It is estimated that over 2,000 people enjoyed one or more of the various programmes on offer.

Pastor Eglan Brooks, the visionary behind the weekend, reflected that “it was an opportunity to celebrate our heritage as a Church, as ‘heirs of the Reformation’ and also ensure that we engage our local community with the unique message of hope found only in Jesus Christ.”

Friday Evening

Pr John SurridgeCelebrations began Friday evening with a Thanksgiving Service at Stanborough Park church. Three presentations reflected on Adventist heritage. Retired minister, Pastor Patrick Boyle, gave a ‘Historical Reflection of Adventists’ including their doctrinal formation that developed and emerged because of the Reformation. BUC Executive Secretary, Pastor John Surridge, gave an informative and captivating PowerPoint presentation that succinctly explored the topic, ‘Who Are Seventh-day Adventists?’

Dr Roy AdamsDr Roy Adams, former Associate Editor of Adventist Review magazine, gave the third and main presentation, an inspiring and challenging message, ‘Lest We Forget: This is War!’.  He outlined the controversy between Christ and Satan, truth and error, the battleground of conflict during the Reformation, explaining how that battle continues today.

Trans-European Division (TED) President, Pastor Raafat Kamal reflected afterwards, “Our uniqueness and identity as an Advent Movement should be rooted and centred around nothing and no one else, but Jesus Christ – His life, His teachings, His death, His resurrection, His mediatory ministry in the heavenly sanctuary and His soon return.”


HACS Millennium Brass bandSabbath morning the weather was clear and bright; the grass was dry despite heavy rain earlier in the week and the 1,000-seater marquee was filled almost to capacity including representatives from across the British Isles.

Choirs, singers, and the HACS Millennium Brass band added to a celebration of worship that blended orchestral, choral, and vocal music together with powerful congregational singing enhancing the fitting hymn, ‘O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing’.

Bringing history to life, BUC staff (and supporting volunteers), who were dressed appropriately for the relevant period, depicted the progress of the Reformation from Martin Luther until today. Sharon Platt-McDonald, BUC director for Health, Women’s Ministries and Community Services, came up with the idea for this segment. “I thought it would be great to have a visual representation of the eras following the Reformation, hence the various costumes depicting 16th – 21st Century and what they stood for. However, rather than just highlighting historic information, I felt it was important to state the significant religious changes that have taken place within that period.”

Pr Ron Halverson Jr Ohio Conference PresidentPastor Ron Halverson Jr, president of the Ohio Conference in the USA spoke about ‘Adventists with Recurring Amnesia’. An afternoon Bible Conference gave opportunity to explore the deeper biblical themes that emerged from the Reformation. Dr Ganoune Diop, Director of the World Church Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department (PARL) looked at ‘The 16th Century Reformation’s Content and Context: Highlighting the pivotal role of freedom of conscience’. Pastor David Neal guest speaker from the TED presented the topic, ‘Is Salvation Really Free?’ Together with Dr Roy Adams speaking about ‘An Anchor Called Hope’, the remaining section of the Bible Conference included all the presenters in a panel discussion chaired by Dr John Baildam.

The day concluded with a delightful evening Hymn Festival featuring well-known traditional hymns that have a ‘reformation imprint’ and an inspiring homily by Dr Jeff Brown, Associate editor of Ministry Magazine.


DSC 4707On Sunday the focus turned towards fun and the community. Several hundred people from the local area enjoyed the relaxing landscape of the 42-acre park, visiting the numerous activities and stalls.  The sun shone, it was warm, and the entire day buzzed with the joy of engaging chatter, spontaneous laughter, and thrills of excitement emanating from the children on the bouncy castles and the rodeo rides.

The stalls were a mixture of Adventist displays, sports and activity zones and community organisations. For those seeking a place of solace and meditation there was a prayer tent; a welcome area where some from the community left their prayer requests.

Dr Jeff BrownThe marquee hosted a co-ordinated programme involving various presentations, musical groups and artistes throughout the afternoon. South England Conference Health Ministries director, Dr Chidi Ngwaba, spoke on ‘7 Things About Health’ whilst Dr Jeff Brown shared ‘4 Seasons of Marriage’. Edmonton Drama group also gave an excellent portrayal of the reformers and martyrs who stood up for what they believed.

The afternoon ended with a performance by The Whittlesford Community Gospel Choir, led by Tina Brooks, while the praise team led out in several gospel favourites. Mary Barlow, who lives just across the road from the Park, expressed her delight with the quality of the singing. “I’ve never known much about the church here and what happens, but I’m so glad I came… I will read up on all the material in the gift bag I received.”  

DSC 4538Several other guests and members of the community asked whether the family Fun Day would be repeated. It seems likely that this will be the case, as BUC President, Pastor Ian Sweeney stated, “it was a joy to see so many people, especially from the community, turn out to what was a wonderful fun-filled day. This is something we will definitely consider doing again and for the various departments of the British Union working together in unison. I thank the BUC Evangelism department and the planning team for the hard work they put in behind the scenes and ultimately we say, to God be the glory.”

For a series of full reports and pictures of the weekend, visit the British Union Conference website. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Deana Stojkovic, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected] 
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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