Bible Correspondence School Coordinators heighten cooperation for mission during World Advisory

<p>17 May 2018 | Jerusalem, Israel [Kurt Johnson / Victor Hulbert]</p> <p>In a digital age how do you best reach people through a study of the Bible? Is it through social media, mobile-friendly websites, paper Bible courses, apps, or a combination of all? That was a question for representatives from every World Division, Adventist World Radio (AWR), Hope Channel, Adventist Mission, GC Communications and the Office of Global Internet. They met together in Jerusalem, 22-29 April 2018, to discuss the most effective ways to encourage Bible study among over seven billion people globally.</p>

News May 17, 2018

17 May 2018 | Jerusalem, Israel [Kurt Johnson / Victor Hulbert]

In a digital age how do you best reach people through a study of the Bible? Is it through social media, mobile-friendly websites, paper Bible courses, apps, or a combination of all? That was a question for representatives from every World Division, Adventist World Radio (AWR), Hope Channel, Adventist Mission, GC Communications and the Office of Global Internet. They met together in Jerusalem, 22-29 April 2018, to discuss the most effective ways to encourage Bible study among over seven billion people globally.

The meeting looked back to 1942 when, for the first time, the Voice of Prophecy Radio Ministry introduced free Bible lessons by correspondence. Called ‘The Bible School of the Air’, it was an idea that caught on like wildfire and within just one year had spread to Inter-America, South America and South Africa. It was cutting edge! Within a few years there were Bible Correspondence Schools and Voice of Prophecy Radio programmes in over 100 countries.

Today, there are 140 Bible Correspondence Schools and affiliates in about 127 countries. Nevertheless, times are changing and the Schools must adapt to the culture of the internet, with digital Bible studies and other such methods having become a significant and growing part of many Bible Correspondence Schools.

BCS2018 LtoR Kurt Johnson Artur Stele Ramon CanalsKurt Johnson, Bible School Director for Voice of Prophecy International and an Assistant in the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department of the General Conference, has been the world coordinator for the Bible Correspondence School Ministry since the year 2000.

“Just as HMS Richards Sr., the founder of the Voice of Prophecy, used the latest technology in 1929, the radio air waves, so the Bible Correspondence Schools must use the current technology for the benefit of the Gospel,” Pastor Johnson stated. “As Seventh-day Adventists we are called to share with the world the Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14. In order to share with the world’s masses, we must reach them through the pathways through which they communicate. Today that includes not only the printed page, but cell phones, laptops, and tablets. We must use the digital platform to communicate the truth of Scripture. At the same time, we must remember it is the personal relationship—friendships—that are a must for successful discipleship.”

During the Consultation, attendees animatedly discussed the development of a web-based Bible study request Distributor, mobile-friendly Bible study websites and Apps, development of new Bible courses, funding and resources, and reports from the Division Bible Correspondence School Coordinators and various media entities.

GC Vice-President Artur Stele noted that as a church we have been talking about revival and reformation for almost ten years. “It will happen when we bring together The Word and the technology,” he emphasised.

Whether Africa, South America, Asia or Europe, that message was consistent. Michael Ngwaru from the South African Indian Ocean Division confessed that his eyes had been opened to many new ideas. He will now be developing digital models.

Even more impressive was the willingness for Schools in one part of the world to share their resources with other parts. There was an open spirit of generosity and mission. Wayne Boehm of Hope Channel South Pacific noted the “different languages, different cultures but one mission,” and the way ideas and sharing back and forth was happening almost spontaneously.

“I am delighted to personally witness this spirit of cooperation,” stated Victor Hulbert who represented the Trans-European Division at the meetings. “This can be a very special benefit especially to the very small language groups who need to update and produce new resources.” He also appreciated the efforts to stay on the cutting edge of outreach using the latest technologies – following the spirit of HMS Richards.

That cooperative spirit can clearly be seen in a short video report of the event.

A strong spiritual component was the foundation of the consultation. The participants sang songs of praise, they knelt in prayer seeking the Holy Spirit, they broke communion bread together and gathered in singing and praying on Mount Carmel. As they prayed together they asked for the power of the Spirit that led Elijah, the apostles, and God’s children through the centuries.

BCS2018 CommunionThe result? Ramon Canals, GC Personal Ministries and Sabbath School director reflects, “We came together with one goal in mind, to unite ourselves together to reach the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.” He believes that working together with radio, TV, Internet and Bible Correspondence school ministries, right through to the local church level and under the power of the Holy Spirit, this is more than possible. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Sajitha Forde-Ralph, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. Readers are free to republish or share this article with appropriate credit including an active hyperlink to the original article.

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