Baltic Union Conference Session

David Nõmmik returns to leadership role.

News June 21, 2024

20 June 2024| Riga, Latvia [tedNEWS]

At the Baltic Union Union Conference Session held in Riga on 6 June, the following were  elected to lead the 5,491 members in the Baltic Union.¹

  • David Nõmmik elected to serve as President.²


  • Līvija Baltrušaite-Karzone elected to serve as Executive Secretary.

  • Jaanus-Janari Kogerman elected to serve as Treasurer.

The Baltic Union Conference members meet together in 87 churches and 7 Companies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. To discover more about the work of the church in this area of the world, visit the Baltic Union Conference website.


¹Membership and church statistics as of March 30 2024.
²This will be the second time David Nõmmik has served as president.

[Photos: Agris Janišauskis] Featured image: Outgoing president Ivo Käsk passes on the Baltic Union leadership baton to David Nõmmik.

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