Annual Council Elections Strengthen TED Team

<p style="text-align: justify;">Monday, 16 November 2015 | Bečići, Montenegro [<em>ted</em>NEWS] Four new names are to join the leadership team of the Trans-European Division (TED), voted at Annual Council meetings in Montenegro on Monday, 16 November 2015.<br />Current British Union Conference Communication and Media director, Pastor Victor Hulbert has been invited to take the same role at the TED with the addition of coordinating Publishing and the Bible Correspondence Schools.</p>

News November 16, 2015

Monday, 16 November 2015 | Bečići, Montenegro [tedNEWS] Four new names are to join the leadership team of the Trans-European Division (TED), voted at Annual Council meetings in Montenegro on Monday, 16 November 2015.
Current British Union Conference Communication and Media director, Pastor Victor Hulbert has been invited to take the same role at the TED with the addition of coordinating Publishing and the Bible Correspondence Schools.

Audrey Andersson & Raafat Kamal presenting the report
Karen Holford, a qualified, registered systemic family therapist and senior occupational therapist will take on the full-time responsibility for Family Ministries, allowing Clair Sanches-Schutte to concentrate on her passions of Children’s and Women’s Ministries.

Dr Torben Bergland, a psychotherapist, psychiatrist and medical doctor (MD), will lead in Health Ministries, again in a full-time position.

Peter Bo Bohsen, a man who more or less ‘lives and breathes’ Pathfindering will complete the Youth leadership team with a 50% role as Pathfinder director.

Victor Hulbert
All four individuals have a vast amount of experience and expertise to bring to their new roles. Victor Hulbert has worked in media and ministry ever since his Student Missionary days as a volunteer with Adventist World Radio. Since then he has pastored church districts in both the North and South England Conferences, served as the Global English Language Service director for Adventist World Radio, gained administrative experience as Executive Secretary for the South England Conference and for the past nine years has led and developed Communication and Media in the British Union Conference (BUC).

BUC President, Pastor Ian Sweeney reflected his mixed feelings over the exit of Pastor Hulbert from the BUC after what he described as “nine years of exemplary service”. Tinged with the sadness that Victor is leaving the team he then expressed pride “that his skills and capabilities which were developed and honed within the BUC will now be experienced within the wider Trans-European Division territory.” He concludes, “We certainly place Victor and Luisa in our prayers as they soon embark on this new ministry venture.”

Karen Holford
Karen Holford is well experienced both in her professional and church life having, in the past, served as associate Family and Children’s Ministries director in the South England Conference. She is married to Pastor Bernie Holford, President of the Scottish Mission. This will provide some logistical challenges for the BUC but Pastor Sweeney nevertheless reflects that it is an appointment of which the BUC is extremely proud.

Karen expressed both surprise and delight to be invited to serve. “I am passionate about helping people to experience God’s love and grace through their everyday family lives”, she wrote from her home in Scotland. She adds, “I’m looking forward to the challenge of training people to enrich the relationships in our families, churches and communities, and developing resources that will support families throughout the Division as they face the challenges of family life in the 21st century.”

Dr Torben Bergland
Dr Torben Bergland is passionate about developing Health Ministries within the Adventist Church, willing, as the TED President Pastor Raafat Kamal stated, to “park his career for five years or as the Spirit moves.” Currently Dr Bergland is director of the Depression Department at Modum Bad, an internationally recognised residential psychotherapy, education and research centre in Norway. 

Peter Bo Bohsen
Peter Bo Bohsen hails from Denmark where he is very well known for his passionate Pathfindring skills. He also has a passion for ADRA where he has been part of the Emergency Response team training. He says, “The common thread in my career is my joy of working with young people and the act of building; whether it is houses, activities, projects or associations.”

Peter has both led and structured several major youth events with up to 3,000 participants in Denmark and abroad, with responsibility for various activities, coordination of volunteers, invitations, registration, transport, visas, accommodation, catering and all that it takes to make an event successful.

Pastor Patrick Johnson will add the role of Special Needs coordinator and Prayer coordinator to his existing portfolio of Ministerial Association secretary, and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries director. In a similar manner, Pastor Kamal will add Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) to his existing portfolio as President.

The following individuals were voted as members of the Executive Committee:

Lay Members:
AUC – Irena S Rakamarić
BAUC – Allan Randlepp
BUC – Christine Burt
DUChC – Berit Elkjœr
FINUChC – Erik Korpijärvi
HUC – Gábor Nagy
NUC – Irma Tap
PUC – Mariusz Radosh
SEEUC – Rade Vitorović
SUChC – Iris Thomsen

Pastoral Representatives:
Marianne Kolkmann (NORUC)
Dragan Grujičić (SEEUC)

General Conference Executive Committee Representatives:
Lay Representatives:
Christine Burt (BUC)
Mariusz Radosh (PUC)

Pastoral Representative:
Richard Daly (BUC)

TED Audit Committee:
Ian Sweeney (BUC) Chair
Christine Burt (BUC)
Gábor Nagy (HUC)
Mariusz Radosh (PUC)
Allan Randlepp (BAUC)

The following appointments were postponed until the Spring meeting: Officers for the two attached fields, Cyprus and Greece; a Diversity coordinator; Worship & Music coordinator; and a Stewardship director. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Deana Stojković, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.
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