Ambitious Regeneration Plans Voted for Newbold College

24 February 2014 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Kirsty Watkins, tedNEWS] On 10 February 2014 the Newbold College of Higher Education Board of Governors voted to regenerate the College over the next 18 months. 

“The regeneration model calls for an estimated increase of 100 full-time equivalent students over the next two academic years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016),” Dr Bertil Wiklander, Trans-European Division (TED) President and Board Chair, announced to a combined Newbold Board and staff meeting last week.


“There will be no significant reduction in the total number of staff, operational costs and appropriations, but intentional staffing realignment for growth and effective marketing and recruitment efforts are needed to achieve ambitious targets,” Dr Wiklander added.

“A key initiative includes establishing a Centre for Christian Leadership with opportunities for British Union Conference (BUC) church members to participate in campus-based and field-based training in evangelism, mission, biblical studies, leadership, health and wellness and preaching,” advised Dr Philip Brown, Newbold Principal and Board Secretary.

“The College will be working closely with the BUC and SEC (South England Conference) leadership teams to plan continuing professional development opportunities for pastors, elders and other ministry leaders as well as training programmes for lay members and young people who want to strengthen their skills to serve and support their Church in local mission and evangelism,” Dr Brown added.

The one-year Licence in Theology programme for those who have already completed a degree in another discipline will continue to be offered. The options for a three- or four-year undergraduate Theology degree programme will also continue, as will the postgraduate Theology programme.

The College is also looking to expand its partnerships with Union seminaries in Poland, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia, and to offer field-based Theology degrees in the Baltic region of Europe.

A new model will be developed for the undergraduate Business programme at the College, which will allow for an emphasis in Accounting as well as opportunity for students to complete the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) professional accounting qualification.

A new model will also be developed for an expanded English for Speakers of Other Languages provision which will afford opportunities for new immigrants within the local community to strengthen their English speaking and listening skills via evening classes.

A new development this summer will be the introduction of a Certificate in Health and Wellness on the Newbold campus during mid-July and early August. Modules include: Health Principles, Fit for Life, Nutrition, Personal Fitness Plan, and Consumer Health.

“We are fortunate to have secured some of the best Adventist health and wellness educators internationally to deliver this programme, including Dr Winston Craig, Dr Jochen Hawlitschek, Dr Fred Hardinge, Dominique Wakefield and Dr Per de Lange,” Dr Brown stressed. “These educators will be supported by well-known BUC medical professionals, including Dr Chidi Ngwaba and Dr Christopher Levy.”

“The College is committed to continuing to refine its academic programmes and short courses to deliver a more responsive and effective education for all stakeholders, with specific focus on the ministerial education and training needs of the TED’s various fields which include the BUC,” Dr Brown concluded. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
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