Adventist World Youth Leaders Congress starting Tuesday

<p>29 July 2018 | Kassel, Germany [Corrado Cozzi, EUD News, Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review, Victor Hulbert tedNEWS]&nbsp;</p> <p>Running 31 July – 4 August, ‘Pass It On’, an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Impact Europe Global Youth Leaders Congress,</a> will bring 1,500 leaders together to equip, empower, and engage. Meeting in Kassel, Germany, the aim is to engage a generation of Spirit-filled leaders to pass on the legacy of the Reformation.</p>

News July 29, 2018

29 July 2018 | Kassel, Germany [Corrado Cozzi, EUD News, Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review, Victor Hulbert tedNEWS] 

Running 31 July – 4 August, ‘Pass It On’, an Impact Europe Global Youth Leaders Congress, will bring 1,500 leaders together to equip, empower, and engage. Meeting in Kassel, Germany, the aim is to engage a generation of Spirit-filled leaders to pass on the legacy of the Reformation.

adventist world youth leaders congress logoAll Adventist world church divisions, unions, conferences, local churches, and educational institutions have been urged to mobilize their youth leaders for this life-changing event.

Zlatko“I believe that this leadership congress is the most important General Conference event in this quinquennium,” states Trans-European Division Youth director, Zlatko Musija. His reason: “Youth should be our priority and the most important partners in the mission. The congress is an excellent opportunity for youth leaders to be spiritually uplifted and well equipped for relevant youth ministry.”

“I hope this congress will give [youth leaders] a spiritual push and the conviction that we can count on one another in the work we do,” adds Inter-European Division Youth director, Jonatán Tejel. “We live in a very changing world, but I still believe that the youth will finish the divine mandate of taking the ‘good news’ [of God’s salvation] to the world.”

Tejel said that he is expectant about the possibilities of growth and innovation. “I would love to see openness to new ways of sharing Jesus; I would love to see creativity at work and to transform words and vision into action,” said Tejel, who served as a Youth Ministries associate director at Adventist world church headquarters for 12 years. “I would love to see how we allow our young people to be the ones innovating and we are the ones supporting them.”

AYC 2017 audienceReflecting on his experience as a youth leader, Tejel shared that everywhere he’s served, he has found strong, committed young people waiting for an opportunity to serve. “If we could cast the vision for the need of sharing the gospel with the world, not in the way we want, but in the way they can, I’m certain that their contribution would be more powerful than the contribution we can give,” he said. “Young people are not looking for fights among themselves but for an opportunity to have meaning in their Christian life.”

Adventist Church Youth leader, Gary Blanchard fully agrees. “I am very excited, since this is a historic moment!” he said. “To me, it’s a fulfilment of God’s promise to send Elijah the prophet just before His return [in reference to Malachi 4:5, 6]. Elijah was a model and a mentor to young people, and he mantled them for ministry leadership. So I am excited to see what God will do through these Elijah-like youth leaders following this great event.”

Discussing his expectations for the event, Blanchard said he is hoping “to see a mighty insurgence of youth” as the youth leaders become equipped and knowledgeable regarding outreach and service initiatives available.

Even though, Blanchard acknowledged, young people see things differently across world church regions, he said the key is to remember the church’s message and mission. At the congress “we will be challenging our youth leaders, regardless of their differences, to rally behind our common mission and vision as a church,” he said. “This mission is to preach the gospel and to make disciples in the context of the three angels’ messages, and our vision is to urgently reach the cities of the world, setting up centers of influence and church plants.”

Youth leaders will attend with many hopes and dreams. “I hope that we will get some new perspectives and practical ideas about how to bring contemporary youth closer to Jesus,” Musija states, noting that the congress will also provide good moments for networking and sharing our own stories with other leaders. “I am especially looking forward to meeting the youth leaders from TED. I pray they will go home from the congress empowered to enhance local church youth ministry, especially by implementing the joint European Church of Refuge (iCOR) initiative and using the many good resources that will be introduced at the congress.“

AYC2017 351x197Adventist Church president Ted N. C. Wilson expressed the hopes he has for the upcoming event and the church’s youth leaders. “What a special privilege and responsibility [youth] leaders have in mentoring and guiding our precious young people today,” he wrote in a message to event organizers. “I would like to encourage the youth leaders, as they move forward in their vital and challenging role, to continue relying on God for wisdom and strength. Encourage young people to focus on the Bible and prayer, and then guide them in putting what they have learned into action through service.”

Wilson told youth leaders this is an approach that God will bless “enormously.”

“May the Lord pour out His blessings upon you, empowering you through His Spirit and strength to carry out His calling today,” he concluded.

Follow the coverage of “Pass It On,” the Impact Europe Global Youth Leader Congress 2018, via Adventist Review Ministries on its various platforms and via the TED Facebook page starting July 31. [tedNEWS]

[This article is adapted from the original first published in Adventist Review.]

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