Adventist Health Workers' Conference in Hungary

05 July 2011 Pecs, Hungary [Robert Csizmadia, tedNEWS] The health professionals of the Hungarian Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Chruch gathered in Pecs, Hungary from 10-13 June 2011 for the forth Christian Health Professionals’ Conference. Pastors, physicians, and visitors gathered for the Conference were able to attend a series of presentations by the speakers from the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists (GC) and Trans-European Division (TED).


Dr. Ern? ?sz-Farkas, the leader of the Health Ministries Department for Hungarian Union, started with his opening sermon using the example of Luke, the physician from the New Testament, whose eye for details, systematic mind and knowledge made God’s choice to be on of the evangelists. Dr. ?sz-Farkas refers to the ways of healing Luke used some 2000 years ago and he explains that Luke used two Greek words to describe healing throughout his writings. One of them describes supernatural healing, the other therapeutic healing and both must be seen as the wonderful gift and working of the Holy Spirit. This work of God was trusted to all health professionals, who participate in the ministry of healing to help others experience a lifestyle change and freedom from the bondage of disease and sin (Luke 4:18-19). ‘God needs modern Lukes in his work.’ Dr. ?sz-Farkas concludes.

It is challenging to find a scientifically sound Christian perspective in the jungle of popular trends of the modern age. However, the participants concluded the conference strengthened with the feeling of commong purpose in their ministry. Salvation is in Jesus Christ and in self-redemption based on healty lifestyle. This unifying message was supported by Dr. Allan Hadysides and Dr. Peter Landless, GC Department of Health Ministries Directors, and Dr. John Sanches, TED Health Ministries Department Director.

Another blessing of the conference was to see the surfacing of a new generation of Adventist health professionals: young medical doctors, researches, and university teachers. It seems that the church community in Hungary got an understanding of the advice given by E.G.White about 140 years ago, to do their profession with the highest possible standards. The audience witnessed their devotion, enthusiasm, and professionalism. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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