Adventist Church Sessions in Adriatic Union Conference

27 June 2013 Zagreb, Croatia [Darko Kova?evi?, tedNEWS] On 9 June 2013 the Adriatic Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (AUC) held its sessions at the campus of the Union College in Maruševec, Croatia. Zlatko Musija, former President of the Croatia Conference, was elected Union President replacing Pastor Branko Bistrovi?. Pastor Neven Kla?mer replaced Pastor Sre?ko Kuburi? as Union Secretary, and Nebojša Milovanovi? was re-elected as the Union Treasurer for the next four years.


For the first time ever, the Croatia and Slovenia Conference sessions were held on the same day following the Union session. Pastor Drago Mojzeš was elected as the President of the Croatian Conference, replacing Zlatko Musija, and Pastor Zmago Godina was re-elected as President of the Slovenian Conference. At the same time, it was decided that Pastor Alban Matohiti, will replace Pastor Leo Nils Espana in 2015as Albania Mission President.

The atmosphere at the session was positive and the leadership of Dr Bertil Wiklander, President of the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, helped all the meetings to run smoothly and concluded within one day. The Adventist Church in the AUC has 3,500 members and has experienced an increase of about 250 believers during the past five years.

‘It is my desire that the Church in the Adriatic Union will grow in love towards our Lord Jesus Christ and towards people in crisis and that we will carefully nurture Christian unity among the members of our Church. I would like to see a more practical spirituality among us that reaches the world in need, according to the gifts God has entrusted to us individually,’ commented Zlatko Musija, newly elected Union President. ‘It is my special desire to see our children and youth be more involved in the positive changes in the Church supported by more experienced members. This will be the best investment into the future of our Church,’ Pastor Musija concluded.

The consecration services for the Union Conference and Croatian Conference were held on June 15, 2013 in Maruševec, and for the Slovenian Conference on June 22, in Maribor. These were blessed opportunities to thank God for leading us safely so far to express our deep trust in His leadership for the future. All the programmes were enriched by good quality spiritual music claiming the promises of the Word of God.
All proceedings were recorded by national radio and TV and communicated to the public in the programme ‘Duhovni izazovi’ (Spiritual Challenges) on June 22, 2013.

For more information about the Adventist church in Croatia, Slovenia or Albania, please click here. [tedNEWS] 

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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